Don’t Arrest Imam Abdulaziz over Alleged Blasphemy, Islamic Group Warns

Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi

A religious group known as Jama’atu Shababil Islam, Bauchi Chapter has appealed to the Bauchi State Government, Bauchi Emirate, State Police Command, Department of State Services (DSS) and all religions stakeholders in the state to  exercise due diligence and professionalism with  regards to the attempt to arrest a popular Bauchi-based Islamic scholar, Imam Dr. Idris Abdulaziz, over allegation of blasphemous statement against Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The group led by Mallam Ibrahim Muhammad and Dr. Salisu Isah Sa’idu Secretary and Chairman respectively made the call  during a press conference  in Bauchi yesterday, warning authorities concerned to tread with caution in order not plunge Bauchi into religious crisis.

The call was coming on the heels of an alleged conspiracy against Sunnah and the incitement of violence in Bauch State, the country at large and across the Muslim World in the guise of arrest of Abdulaziz for what the conspirators called blasphemy.

“Stakeholders should understand that the situation is purely a sectarian strife, a sensitive religious issue that requires only intellectual approach. Someone, somewhere in transient political position cannot just swore to arrest an Islamic scholar for any political reason whatsoever. Therefore, the matter can only be resolved by engaging the appropriate religious authorities.”

 “We wish to call the attention of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bauchi State, Sen. Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed and remind him of this verse, Surah 4, verse 114 where Allah (S.W.T) said: “No good is there in much of their private conversation except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking the approval of Allah – then we are going to give him a great reward”.

 “His Excellency should know that Allah, the disposer of affairs is the one who gives power to whoever he wishes and takes sovereignty from whom he wishes as contained in verse 26, of surah (Ali-Imran), and therefore holding grudges on opponents after winning re-election is uncalled for.”

”His Excellency should be informed that there is a global conspiracy against Ahlussunnah and the implementation has began at national level and now in his state. We therefore, wish to call on him not to allow himself to be part, or be used as a tool for the conspirators for whatever reason.”

“His Excellency should also be informed that Bauchi state is a Muslim state and over 75 per cent of the state’s Muslims are followers of Sunnah sect, some under the leadership of Ash-Sheikh Bala Lau, some under the leadership of Ash-Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir and some from the Salafiyya creed. And all hold the same view with Imam Dr. Idris on Tauheed and particularly the subject matter in question which is in all ramifications fundamentally universal among all.”

“His Excellency should look back and appreciate the efforts of Ahlussunnah Scholars/Ulamas who put their lives inline so that our dear state remained peaceful. We shall forever acknowledged and will never forget the vital role played by Imam Dr. Idris Abdul’aziz, Prof. Isah Ali Ibrahim Pantami, Dr. Mansur Isah Yelwa, Imam Dr. Ibrahim Disina, and dozens of Ahlussunnah scholars including those who were killed, like Sheikh Ja’afar Mahmud, and Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Albani (May Allah be please with them) in tackling the spread of the Boko Haram by disabusing the minds of those willing to join the sect and engaging their dangerous leader in well informed extensive intellectual dialogue”

”That for the avoidance of doubt regarding our earlier data in (iv) above, we urge His Excellency to take data and statistics of all mosques across the state and their sectorial alignment for justice and equity.It is also imperative that His Excellency understands that any attempt for intimidation or infringement of any of our Sunni Ulamas’ right to advocating and preaching Tauheed, enlightment on Sunnah and practice of Islam according to Sunnah shall not be tolerated and is worth dying for,”

Furthermore, it stated that,”We also wish to inform His Excellency that this association has done everything possible through our Ulamas to doused tension and cooled tempers following threats from some sectarian extremist to kill Imam Dr. Idris and burnt down his mosque which has always been provoking our members and running their patience thin. Our Da’awah committee are also tired of responding to aggrieved youths across the state and from different parts of the country, therefore this matter should be laid to rest.”

“His Excellency should as a matter of national security concern stopped the planned arrest and intimidation of Imam Dr. Idris Abdul’aziz for the continued peace that our dear state enjoys” the group stated.

The group warned that the Police should be careful and exercise due diligence and professionalism in handling such matters, because in situations where sectarian strife exists, conflicts do erupt if not handled properly and justly.

Part of the group’s warning read: “The Police should know that no secular dictates could be used to intimidate any of our scholars, invalidate any fundamental of Sunnah for whatever reason, or render inconsistent, the clean “Tauheed” that we hold dear. The matter should be channel to the appropriate Islamic establishment for resolution.”

“Our Call to Constituted Authorities

“Refer to the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs for appropriate intellectual Islamic verdict on the matter, since the leadership of the Bauchi State Shari’ah Commissioned had compromised and joined forces with politicians who hold the believe that Islamic Scholars of the Ahlussunah sect have no right to freedom of choice politically.

“We wish to commend our Ahlussunnah scholars for distancing themselves from the purported interaction initial organized by the Shari’ah commission, and also call on them to keep vigil because the matter has now taken a political dimension and the forces hiding under the political clime will not relent in the effort to weaken the Da’awah of the Ahlussunnah.”

“Our specific calls is that Fityanul Islam Association should produce convincing proof and establish authentic evidence intellectually that the statement made was blasphemous; Seek redress through appropriate constitutional authorities for what they called hate speech and insult on their ulamas,” the group said.

Don’t Arrest Imam Abdulaziz over Alleged Blasphemy, Islamic Group Warns

Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi

A religious group known as Jama’atu Shababil Islam, Bauchi Chapter has appealed to the Bauchi State Government, Bauchi Emirate, State Police Command, Department of State Services (DSS) and all religions stakeholders in the state to  exercise due diligence and professionalism with  regards to the attempt to arrest a popular Bauchi-based Islamic scholar, Imam Dr. Idris Abdulaziz, over allegation of blasphemous statement against Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The group led by Mallam Ibrahim Muhammad and Dr. Salisu Isah Sa’idu Secretary and Chairman respectively made the call  during a press conference  in Bauchi yesterday, warning authorities concerned to tread with caution in order not plunge Bauchi into religious crisis.

The call was coming on the heels of an alleged conspiracy against Sunnah and the incitement of violence in Bauch State, the country at large and across the Muslim World in the guise of arrest of Abdulaziz for what the conspirators called blasphemy.

“Stakeholders should understand that the situation is purely a sectarian strife, a sensitive religious issue that requires only intellectual approach. Someone, somewhere in transient political position cannot just swore to arrest an Islamic scholar for any political reason whatsoever. Therefore, the matter can only be resolved by engaging the appropriate religious authorities.”

 “We wish to call the attention of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bauchi State, Sen. Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed and remind him of this verse, Surah 4, verse 114 where Allah (S.W.T) said: “No good is there in much of their private conversation except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking the approval of Allah – then we are going to give him a great reward”.

 “His Excellency should know that Allah, the disposer of affairs is the one who gives power to whoever he wishes and takes sovereignty from whom he wishes as contained in verse 26, of surah (Ali-Imran), and therefore holding grudges on opponents after winning re-election is uncalled for.”

”His Excellency should be informed that there is a global conspiracy against Ahlussunnah and the implementation has began at national level and now in his state. We therefore, wish to call on him not to allow himself to be part, or be used as a tool for the conspirators for whatever reason.”

“His Excellency should also be informed that Bauchi state is a Muslim state and over 75 per cent of the state’s Muslims are followers of Sunnah sect, some under the leadership of Ash-Sheikh Bala Lau, some under the leadership of Ash-Sheikh Sani Yahaya Jingir and some from the Salafiyya creed. And all hold the same view with Imam Dr. Idris on Tauheed and particularly the subject matter in question which is in all ramifications fundamentally universal among all.”

“His Excellency should look back and appreciate the efforts of Ahlussunnah Scholars/Ulamas who put their lives inline so that our dear state remained peaceful. We shall forever acknowledged and will never forget the vital role played by Imam Dr. Idris Abdul’aziz, Prof. Isah Ali Ibrahim Pantami, Dr. Mansur Isah Yelwa, Imam Dr. Ibrahim Disina, and dozens of Ahlussunnah scholars including those who were killed, like Sheikh Ja’afar Mahmud, and Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Albani (May Allah be please with them) in tackling the spread of the Boko Haram by disabusing the minds of those willing to join the sect and engaging their dangerous leader in well informed extensive intellectual dialogue”

”That for the avoidance of doubt regarding our earlier data in (iv) above, we urge His Excellency to take data and statistics of all mosques across the state and their sectorial alignment for justice and equity.It is also imperative that His Excellency understands that any attempt for intimidation or infringement of any of our Sunni Ulamas’ right to advocating and preaching Tauheed, enlightment on Sunnah and practice of Islam according to Sunnah shall not be tolerated and is worth dying for,”

Furthermore, it stated that,”We also wish to inform His Excellency that this association has done everything possible through our Ulamas to doused tension and cooled tempers following threats from some sectarian extremist to kill Imam Dr. Idris and burnt down his mosque which has always been provoking our members and running their patience thin. Our Da’awah committee are also tired of responding to aggrieved youths across the state and from different parts of the country, therefore this matter should be laid to rest.”

“His Excellency should as a matter of national security concern stopped the planned arrest and intimidation of Imam Dr. Idris Abdul’aziz for the continued peace that our dear state enjoys” the group stated.

The group warned that the Police should be careful and exercise due diligence and professionalism in handling such matters, because in situations where sectarian strife exists, conflicts do erupt if not handled properly and justly.

Part of the group’s warning read: “The Police should know that no secular dictates could be used to intimidate any of our scholars, invalidate any fundamental of Sunnah for whatever reason, or render inconsistent, the clean “Tauheed” that we hold dear. The matter should be channel to the appropriate Islamic establishment for resolution.”

“Our Call to Constituted Authorities

“Refer to the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs for appropriate intellectual Islamic verdict on the matter, since the leadership of the Bauchi State Shari’ah Commissioned had compromised and joined forces with politicians who hold the believe that Islamic Scholars of the Ahlussunah sect have no right to freedom of choice politically.

“We wish to commend our Ahlussunnah scholars for distancing themselves from the purported interaction initial organized by the Shari’ah commission, and also call on them to keep vigil because the matter has now taken a political dimension and the forces hiding under the political clime will not relent in the effort to weaken the Da’awah of the Ahlussunnah.”

“Our specific calls is that Fityanul Islam Association should produce convincing proof and establish authentic evidence intellectually that the statement made was blasphemous; Seek redress through appropriate constitutional authorities for what they called hate speech and insult on their ulamas,” the group said.

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