Lawan Calls on Political Leaders to Imbibe Tenets of Democracy, Pay Greater Attention to Issues of Security

•ECOWAS says situation in sub-region worrisome

Michael Olugbode in Abuja

The Senate President, Dr. Ahmad Lawan has said elected representatives must be focused and imbibe the tenets of democracy, calling for more attention on issues of security in the sub-region in order for development.

Speaking at the Opening of the 2023 First Ordinary Session of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament in Abuja, Lawan said the gathering was yet another “milestone in our strive for collaboration for economic integration, the deepening of democracy and the emancipation of our people from lack.”

He added that: “We have been consistent as leaders in driving these initiatives far beyond the statutory requirement for sessions like this, to include our individual national efforts at ensuring the realisation of our goals.

“These goals are no doubt noble, but also essential for us as legislators saddled with the responsibility of deliberations before implementations are embarked upon.

“The questions of trans-border crime, human trafficking, threats to democracy, conflicts and insurgencies, unemployment and underemployment and the general well-being of the people are still significant matters that need our continuous attention.”

Lawan explained that: “The essence of making our conversations ongoing is not that we are not discussing them correctly, or that we are not formulating the right policies, but because new realities continue to emerge around the subjects.”

He said: “While we are probably making progress in some regards, we are additionally challenged by the need to sustain our reviews, so as to strengthen our action plans, in view of changing dynamics.

“Our role as parliamentarians is always to extract the details involved and provide a clearer picture and understanding, for an appropriate government response.

“Coming together as participants from different nations is more opportunity to harness the experiences of our different jurisdictions, towards reaching a suitably overarching conclusion.

“As representatives of the people, it is trite to argue that we are more in touch with a wider scope of citizens, especially those at the grassroots. This puts us in the vantage position of reflecting realities as they affect the mass of our people.

“From that standpoint, our resolutions are often people-oriented and the reason we are central is not just for the search for solutions, but for ongoing consultations in the course of executing plans.”

He added: “We have no doubt being committed to them, but the task before us is to keep the focus and grow our collective ability to imbibe them.”

He noted that elected representatives must ensure freedom of expression, respect for human rights, inclusion and representation, in addition to fostering peace, growth and development.

He stressed that: “Not a few successes have been made in ensuring the realisation of these principles of democracy. Regardless, our task is to discourage reversals, by consolidating on our endurances, and growing democratic tenets.

“Included in these tenets are freedom of expression, human rights, security of life and property, in the general interest of happiness and progress.

“We have no doubt being committed to them, but the task before us is to keep the focus and grow our collective ability to imbibe them.”

Meanwhile, the President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, said the situation in ECOWAS sub-region was worrisome.

Touray, made the statement against the backdrop of the political instability, insecurity and humanitarian crisis bedevilling the region.

Touray, while recalling that the meeting was taking place in a context characterised by upheavals in the international environment, said: “The situation in our region remains worrisome. Nonetheless, we are deploying all resources to ensure stability, security, and resilience in our member states.”

In his welcome speech, the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Sidie Mohamed Tunis, said the parliament remained very concerned over the pace at which the transitional processes are unfolding in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso.

Tunis however said the parliament was equally worried about the proliferation of terrorist activities in the Sahel, which has resulted into the killings of innocent lives.

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