Givanas Unveils Novex Household Brand to Deepen Manufacturing Foothold

Raheem Akingbolu

Despite the volatility and harsh operating conditions that have plagued and sounded the death knell for many leading brands and businesses in the nation’s consumer goods and services sector, especially in the wake of tremendously weakened consumer spend occasioned by the Covid-19 and unabating inflation, a few innovative and tenacious market operators continue to pose stunning performances while entrenching their brand footings and pedigrees as tenacious, innovative and resilient indubitable kingpins in their segments.

One of such frontline performers is Givanas, a dynamic and innovative multi-business conglomerate that operates across multiple industries and provides high-quality products and services to consumers across the West African sub-region.

Recently, Givanas justifiably celebrated 30 years anniversary of birthing in the Nigerian brand marketing space during which it has steadily grown its brand footprints while perfecting a consistent identity of nurturing its impressive portfolio of quality brands across multiple segments to remain thriving and at the top of consumers’ minds.

Over those 30 years, it has earned a strong pedigree as a versatile multi-business conglomerate whose brand operations span nine different companies with diversified offerings in manufacturing, distribution, trading, hospitality and print.

The climax of the 30th-anniversary celebration was the launch of Novex, a new household brand that promises to further entrench the Givanas’s manufacturing foothold in the household products sector with a range of locally manufactured bleach, antiseptics, glass, toilet floor, and multi-purpose cleaners.

Backed by the Group’s track record of over three decades of providing high-quality products and services, Novex represents yet another promising offering that could harness the power of exploring new ideas and technologies to stay ahead of the competition and deliver unrivaled value to consumers.

According to the Group Marketing Manager at Givanas, Christianna Agbata, the birth of Novex is a testament to Givanas’ dedication to innovation and research-driven, customer-centric business template that has sustained its strong reputation as a tenacious, responsible and trustworthy business that remains on the front foot even after 30 years.

This philosophy, she further explained, has continued to fuel the Group’s unrelenting passion and push to remain the best at evaluating, understanding and delivering what Nigerian consumers want at all times.

All things being equal, the new Novex brand is being tipped to leverage this immensely successful Givanas pedigree as its strategy guide to entrench itself as a trusted and reliable household brand name and value-delivering friend of Nigerian families for years to come.

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