Obasanjo, Soludo in Obosi, Console Chidoka as Mother is Buried 

David-Chyddy Eleke in Awka

Former president Olusegun Obasanjo and Anambra State Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, were among dignitaries who converged on Obosi yesterday to bid farewell to late Mrs. Victoria Nneka Chidoka.

The deceased is the mother of the former Aviation Minister, and former Corps Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Mr. Osita Chidoka.

The dignitaries eulogised the deceased, saying that her forthright lifestyle can be seen in the lives of her children, and their attainments in life.

Late Nneka died on April 3 in her Obosi home at the age of 75 years after a protracted battle with cancer and was laid to rest yesterday in Obosi, Idemili Local Government Area of the state.

Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, Primate of Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion in his Homily lifted from Rev. 21: 1-8, said the bereaved family should take solace in the fact that their matriarch lived a good life and she gone to be with her maker.

Ndukuba, who was represented by Most Rev. Ali Lamido, Dean Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion who celebrated the funeral service at St. Andrew’s Church, Obosi, said death was an inevitable end as man would not live forever.

“Any life that was not lived with service to God, church and humanity is a wasted life.

“Mama served God, served the church, this is the kind of death people should strive to die: dying in the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said.

Consoling the family, Governor Soludo explained that their mother’s death was a loss for all of Anambra, but that they should rejoice because her death is a glorious one.

“We celebrate her life today because, according to the testimonies we have heard, Mama Victoria lived a victorious and impactful life.

“We honour Chief Osita and all of the children Mama Victoria left behind. They are a metaphor for what we should strive to be,” Soludo stated.

Addressing the youths of Obosi, the governor recalled that he has not seen anyone who lived a life of violence and criminality until the age of 75, noting that crime has no place with longevity.

“Ndi Anambra should be inspired by the Chidoka’s and their principled way of life,” he further explained.

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