Matriarch of the Akinruntan at 70

Long life and prosperity remain one of the foremost prayers of man. The pair must go together or the beneficiary might feel as though a great big joke has been played on them. The way things are going for the wife of Oba Fredrick Akinruntan, the Olugbo of Ugbo Kingdom in Ondo State, Olori Yetunde, it is clear that this prayer has been answered. Upon clocking 70, the matriarch of the Akinruntan royal household can mark herself as having arrived at the threshold signalling a long life.

The queen observed her new age with deluge after deluge of praise and accolades coming from everywhere. From this event alone, Olori Yetunde displayed the truth in the maxim that kings are only ever deserving of fear, whereas queens were made to be loved and appreciated.

Although the maxim is a bit of a stretch considering the depth and heights of obeisance that the people of Ugbo Kingdom pay to Oba Akinruntan, it fits the occasion. Moreover, the fact that Olori Yetunde has proven herself time and again with a grasp of motherhood and royalty allows her to remain at the peak of her people’s affection.

Many people will remember that Olori Yetunde does not like an excessive extravagance, choosing instead to live life in a manner that impacts other people. However, her 60th birthday saw her relatives force her into a different look, capturing her as both the delight of the lowly and ordinary and the pride of the high and mighty. It was not altogether different this year, except that the queen looked even better with wisdom flowing around her eyes and on her tongue.

At 70, Olori Yetunde remains fresh, polished by the warmth of love from her husband, sister-wives, children, and the people of Ugbo Kingdom.

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