Pcl. Provides Insights to Boost Employee Retention Rates, Inclusivity

Phillips Consulting Limited (pcl.), has charged organisations on reimagining talent experience and retention to reconsider employee engagement at the HR Directors Network (HRDN) quarterly Meetup.

The leading consulting firm made this disclosure at the 2023 edition of the HRDN Quarterly Meet up. The event centered on the critical theme of Reimagining Talent Experience and Retention and it featured top executives engaging in insightful discussions and presenting innovative solutions to navigate Nigeria’s fiercely competitive war for talent.

At the event, the speakers delivered valuable insights on how companies can enhance their talent experience, boost employee retention rates, and foster a culture of inclusivity. With the ever-increasing challenges of talent migration, employee expectations, remote work, and skill gaps, companies must approach these issues with creativity and innovation.

In line with the theme of the event, pcl. released a comprehensive report titled, ”Talent Management, A New World Order: Shifting Paradigms.” With a focus on the brain drain, this report is the outcome of extensive research and data analysis conducted by pcl., with data inputs from their partners, Cambridge University (UK) and YouGov. The report aims to equip organisations with the necessary tools to reimagine talent management and enhance employee and stakeholder outcomes.

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