Emmanuel Smart’s Make What Customers Want Book Tour Storms North Carolina.

The Make What Customers Want Book Tour, North Carolina, held at First Flight Venture Center, Durham. The event was held in partnership with Rotary Club of the Research Triangle Park (a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – STEM, rotary club). The event had notable figures like the TJ Cawley, Mayor of Morrisville, All-America City, the number one (1) place to live in North Carolina and number five (5) in America (Fortune Magazine), Emil Runge, Director of Programs, First Flight Venture Center, Inc., Dorrel Jalloh, MBA (the club president), Narkie Nartey, the club president elect, and some board members.

Emmanuel Smart, author of the bestselling book, Make What Customers Want, was introduced by Narkie Nartey, President-Elect of RTP Rotary Club and Chief Executive Officer/Founder of The Wakaboomee Program (A Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics -STEAM & Wellness 501(c)3 Non-Profit). Emmanuel began by explaining why he wrote the book, Make What Customers Want. He noted that many businesses struggle because they create products they erroneously assume customers want, but they get rejected by the market. He noted that businesses owners must study customers and learn about them to create products that customers love.

Emmanuel Smart also noted that he felt very privileged to be in the United States and his home in Plano, Texas is just five minutes from Outlet Mall Allen, Texas where a lone shooter killed nine shoppers Saturday, May 6th 2023. He said he could easily have taken his wife and kids to the mall, and it’s important that beyond business success, we study what humans want and give it to them generously. He noted that his study shows that most humans want love. He applauded Rotarians, business, and government leaders present at the event for doing their best but noted that others need to join Rotary in giving back to society.

According to Emmanuel, we will never know how many more shootings “never happened” because of the kindness Rotarians and other good people show to others with their good deeds and charity. He noted that while we talk about bad events that happen, we never count how many bad events were avoided because of those who have selflessly worked hard to give others a second chance. He concluded by saying “maybe if someone somewhere had reached out to the suicide killer in his hours or days of confusion and great need, he may have seen life differently regardless of his mental challenges”.

He encouraged business leaders to never underrate the need to make products customers love. TJ Cawley, Mayor of Morrisville, hailed Emmanuel and thanked him for his thoughts. The Make What Customers Want Book Tour was held in Lagos (Nigeria), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), and Nairobi (Kenya) in 2021 and 2022. After successful events across two continents and the USA, the next event will take place in Dallas, Texas.

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