MatchmakerDidi Provides Helpful Tips on how to Manage Dating Fatigue

You know that draining feeling, that emotional state where you feel demotivated and tired of the dating process? Your fingers are too heavy to swipe, your response to messages from potential romantic partners takes a longer while, and you don’t even feel bad. Well, what you feel is Dating Fatigue.

According to Didi Edet, a certified matchmaker in Nigeria, dating fatigue can have significant impacts and managing it is critical as she shares, “It’s natural to feel like throwing in the towel on the prospect of finding a partner at this stage. Dating Fatigue can cause you to distance yourself from what you’re seeking, removing you from the dating scene for a while, and even worse, it can also lead you to approach dating with a negative outlook and attitude which can be unappealing and unattractive.”

She is the Principal Matchmaker at MatchmakerDidi, a privacy-focused matchmaking platform with a growing team that has been in operation for years and serves clients both locally and internationally. Through her experience over the years, she shares some reasons to consider a matchmaking service instead of a dating app. But first, it’s important to note that there is a clear distinction between the two modern popular dating options. The self-service option involves you going to a website or app to search through numerous profiles and select one (or more) profiles you would want to get to know better. Meanwhile, for the matchmaking service option, you have the opportunity to work alongside a matchmaker who will assist you in selecting potential dates. They will provide valuable feedback that can aid in your future selections.

One of the many advantages of a platform over a dating app, Didi shares is, “Many of our clients find the matchmaking service more appealing than our online self-service option due to its ability to alleviate dating fatigue.”

Time is money, and while matchmaking services may cost you more money, it will definitely save you time, and money in the long run. She shares, “Some singles prefer to focus on searching through a smaller group that has their preferences to save time as the process of searching through numerous online profiles can be time-consuming, and not every individual can dedicate hours in a day to this, especially busy professionals. Through the guidance of a matchmaker, matches and the matchmaking process is easier and less time-consuming.

Quality versus quantity. Some individuals do enjoy going on numerous first dates with different people as they do love the process, but some individuals would choose to have 5 quality dates rather than 50 first dates. If you fall under the quality category, a matchmaking service could be a better option for you.

The third and final advantage that people speak of is the feedback and learning process. Dating is a learning process. You can learn about how people view you and learn about yourself as well. The matchmaking process makes this possible as you have the opportunity to communicate with the matchmaker who can give honest feedback on your profile, from your dates, and how to be more successful on a date. A matchmaker can also help you gain clarity in the dating process and bring certain elements to your awareness. An example is when people state their preference to date someone older when they really mean they want to date someone mature as it is generally believed for an older person to be mature. A Matchmaker can focus on your reasons and match you with someone younger that is mature, as opposed to an older immature person.

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