Oil and Gas Guru, Tunde Afolabi’s Staying Power

It is doubtful if there is anyone in the oil and gas industry today that is more experienced than Chief Tunde Afolabi. This is the reason many in the sector call him the oil and gas veteran. In fact, he is considered an encyclopaedia of sorts due to his vast knowledge about the sector.

In spite of the vagaries of the business, his company Amni Petroleum Company, one of the most successful indigenous oil production companies in Nigeria, has remained afloat with a lot of success stories. It was awarded the Okoro Field and Setu Field located in OML 112 in shallow water offshore Nigeria, as part of the Nigerian government’s indigenous licensing programme. The total gross

production at the Okoro field in 2013 was 6.5 million barrels of oil, representing a gross average daily rate of 18,041 barrels per day.

Interestingly, in a society where many successful men have reportedly allowed fame, success and sometimes stardom to turn their heads, Afolabi recognises that only God is the unseen hand behind his success story; and he submits absolutely to His will. Of course, he also recognises that hard work pays, so he loathes laziness.  A devout Christian, he spends his spare time in total worship of God.  According to sources, the man who is said to live a disciplined lifestyle doesn’t make any move or take any step without seeking divine guidance. His armour against failure is ceaseless prayers.

However, despite his connection and influence, those meeting the guru for the first time would be amazed at his humility.

Afolabi, a silent billionaire, has lifted a number of less privileged members of the society; his philanthropy beggars description. He is also known as an ardent supporter of churches within the Anglican denomination.

The  professional geologist with over 40 years of oil and gas exploration and production started his career with Texaco Inc, New Orleans Louisiana in 1974 after he received his a B.A Geology in 1973 from Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster Pennsylvania USA, and  an M.Sc. in Geology in 1975 from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, US. He later joined Mobil Inc in Dallas, Texas in 1979.

A member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Afolabi, is a past President of the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE) and a council member of the Nigerian Association of Indigenous Production and Exploration Companies (NAIPEC).

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