A new dawn has begun, and the world will notice a shift, hopefully in the right direction. President Ahmed Bola Tinubu has taken the bull by the horn by removing the oil subsidy and promising to implement a single exchange rate. He should not stop at oil subsidy, he must remove all illegitimate subsidies, whether it be oil, power transmission, and others. The president must set up a panel to remove subsidies that do not add value to our economic viability, growth, and development. 

The elephant in the room is corruption and abuse of power by the highest office in the land. Our institutions must be rid of corruption, incompetence, and perhaps the selective implementation of our ethical conducts and laws. Congratulations to President Tinubu on behalf of all Nigerians of goodwill and for setting the right stage in addressing squarely and decisively the major problems drowning the economic development of Nigeria.

The president must invest in youth development and provide an enabling environment to enhance and support the growth and development of entrepreneurship, music, entertainment, import, artisan skills, and culture. Invest in our diverse diaspora and create a model which will address the negative brain drain. The diaspora must be institutionalized just like the Youth service. The diaspora will add value to the development of all institutions to stop the brain drain, to earn the best of Nigeria all over the world, to contribute positively to the growth, diversity and creativity of our societies, communities, and our nation.

Security must be provided at all levels of our structural existence. Therefore, a review of our constitutional structure is compulsory and in the best interest of the Nigerian existence. A united Nigeria must be restructured within the context of regional autonomy and a weak central government. Dr. Martin Luther King stated that peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice. What is justice? 

Justice is fairness, justice is equity, justice is compassion, justice is concern for your neighbors, justice is intentional love for humanity. Hope is still alive. The ball is in our hands, President Tinubu must stir the country in the right direction. We wish him well.

Prof. Babs Onabanjo, President/CEO, AD King Foundation, Atlanta, USA

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