Technology expert, Eugene calls for digital inclusion of communities in information dissemination

Technology expert Eugene Osafile has identified lack of access to digital technology as one of the reasons many communities have been denied access to modern information .

Speaking at an event in Lagos ttagged ‘Digital Inclusion for the community and challenges,’ ‘Eugene said many communities in Nigeria have been left incommunicado as a result of wide technology gap that exists between the rural and urban areas due to uneven allocation of digital resources caused by infrastructural difficulties.

He called for urgent action to be taken by government adding that there should be effective collaborative programs by the government that could greatly advance digital inclusion in communities.

To address the issue, Eugene further called for collaboration between government and IT businesses community to embark on digital literacy campaigns.

He further urged tthe government to take policy driven approach through formulation of laws that will have lasting impact on society.

Eugene called on other well-meaning citizens to assist in advancing digital inclusion, adding that the gains of a more digitally inclusive society is to achieve economic prosperity

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