Explore Intellectual Energies of Youth to  Grow Nigeria, Muslim Youths Tell Tinubu

Fidelis David in Akure

The youth wing of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria under the aegis of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria, yesterday  called on  President Bola  Tinubu to engage the youth and  explore their  intellectual energies towards the growth of the country.

The National President of the group, Abdur Rogib Akinyemi, stated this at a press conference in Akure the Ondo state capital, to kick start the 49th annual national Ijtema convention, with the theme; “Upholding the Institution of Khilafah Through Activities of Nizam-e-jama’at.”

According to him, youths are the backbone of any nation, their physical and intellectual energies matter to the growth of a developing nation such as Nigeria, hence, the government should leverage the manifold talents in its youth is through meaningful engagement and dialogue.

Akinyemi called on Tinubu to fulfill his promises, stressing that Nigeria is lagging behind because of lack of fulfilling promises by leaders who have governed the country.

His words: “Tinubu should leave by the promises he has made to Nigerians and by show doing Nigeria will move forward. There must be justice at the point in time, and when there is justice there will be peace. If we want peace to reign in our society, there must be justice. Every stakeholder must be given what is due to them. So, we as citizens of Nigeria we are going to obey the authority while the president of the nation must fulfill his promises too   because we voted for him, due to his promises.

 “Tinubu must be committed to the development of this nation, he should engage youths of nowadays to move the country forward through their wisdom and knowledge. The simple way for the developing nation to get there is for the leaders whom have been voted for to leave by their promises and they should ensure that all what they are doing are done with the sincerity of purpose.”

Speaking on their 49th annual national convention, holding in Owo between June 7 and 10, 2023, Akinyemi said: “The theme of this year’s Ijtema underscores the significance of preserving and promoting the concept of Khilafah and the role of Nizam-e-Jama’at in society. The convention aims to deepen the participants’ understanding of these principles and inspire them to play an active role in their implementation within the Muslim community.

“A good understanding of this theme is critical to peace and harmony in our community and to our individual moral and spiritual success. The primary purpose of creation is to serve our Creator as the Holy Qur’an 51 vs 57 states; “And I have not created the Jinn and the men, but they may worship Me”. It is also our responsibility to serve humanity and give back to our community.”

 He added that over 2,000 participants across the 16 states in Nigeria will take part in the 49th annual convention.

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