CLEEN Foundation Trains Heads of CSOs in Bauchi to Monitor Implementation of ACJL

Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi

CLEEN Foundation, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) supported by MacArthur Foundation has trained 20 Heads of Civil Society Organisation (CSOs) in Bauchi State to monitor the implementation of administration of criminal justice law (ACJL) in the state.

The Executive Director of the Foundation, Gad Peter, who spoke at the official launch of the CSOs’ platforms towards the efficient implementation and compliance with administration of criminal justice law, held in Bauchi yesterday, said the essence of the training was to strengthen and enhance capacity of CSOs in Bauchi State to work closely with government agencies, institutions, agencies and stakeholders working on justice administration to live up to their responsibilities.

According to him, the democracy Nigerians are currently enjoying, the fight against corruption and the cry for social justice were all made possible because CSOs added their voices in demanding that appropriate actions should be taken.

“What we doing this morning is to enhance the capacities of CSOs and help them form a loose coalition or network that will be able to work as a team instead of, at an individual level, to be able to put subtle pressure on government to do what they are supposed to do

“For example, we are looking forward to the possibility of the CSOs reminding government of its responsibility to decongest prisons from time to time, ensure that the police are reminded that when they arrest suspects, they have a right to life, a lawyer and fair hearing and also, in the area of criminal cases in court, someone is there to keep an eye to ensure that the proceeds are going appropriately,” he said
He said that the fight against corruption was a collective effort by all, adding that people should serve as whistle blowers in their own capacity to reduce the menace of corruption to the barest minimum.

According to the Executive Director, “We should try to fight corruption in our own little way. When you talk about corruption, people think that it is only government agencies that should fight corruption, but in our homes, churches, mosques, our work places, we can also support that effort by stopping corruption in these places and when there are bigger cases of corruption, we are able to amplify our voices and demand that government take appropriate action.”
He told the CSOs to use the tool of advocacy to create the change they want to see in the society, pointing that advocacy required clear vision of the desired outcome through a deep understanding of the particular issue as well as the ability to prepare evidence-based policy proposal.

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