The YouTube blog site has made an announcement in regard to false claims about the US 2020 election that “…we will stop removing content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches occurred in the 2020 and other past US Presidential elections.” An odd statement surely.

This is certainly a negative approach as not calling out false information and conspiracies gives them some credibility when they are ‘published’ on a major media site. Attaching a big red ‘liar’ logo to false information pages would just make it a farce, so why allow the lies? Are YouTube viewer numbers declining, I doubt it. Are they afraid that if Trump returns, they will have to be on his positive side, if so then politics, media, and the truth will make strange bedfellows.

Fortunately, most newspapers still tell the truth and only the truth so there is hope if more people can be encouraged to pick up a paper rather than looking at a screen of lies.

Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia

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