Khalifa Muhammadu Sanusi II: Something is About to Happen

It first started as a campaign promise, then it filtered into mainstream media after the elections were won and now it is looking official. The new Governor of Kano is looking very seriously at the events surrounding the dethronement of my great ruler and leader, Khalifa Muhammadu Sanusi II with a possible bid to a ‘rethronement’- if there is a word like that.

I had once asked the great Khalifa, “how do you feel about this dethronement?” And he looked straight into my eyes and said, “Edgar, it is the will of Allah and I submit to it in totality.”

If you have never met this regal man, I think you should. You should all try to spend just five minutes with him before you retire. His clarity, boldness and deep spirituality will surely get to you. Sitting at his feet and listening to him speak on the economy, spirituality and leadership will make you begin to see yourself like the dunce that you are. His brilliance is unmistaken and his stubbornness – which put him in so much trouble will amaze you.

His love for the girl child, his fight against poverty and his penchant to look at his own grouping – aristocratic and political leadership – pointing an accusing finger at them as the source of our perpetual slavery will make you gush with admiration.

Well, fingers crossed on the matter of his ‘recall’ because as far as I am concerned, Khalifa is now bigger than the highly revered throne in Kano as in my eyes and in the eyes of the world, he is now the Khalifa of the world. We are in prayers, Your Highness.

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