Dominican University Advances Well-being With Focus on Sustainability

Mary Nnah

Dominican University (DU), a pioneer in promoting holistic education, held its highly successful “Walk for a Healthy Nation” recently. This impactful event, dedicated to fostering physical and mental well-being, saw enthusiastic participation from students, faculty, private sector organisations, and the general public, aligning with the university’s commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promoting sustainable practices.

The “Walk for a Healthy Nation” initiative, organised by DU, aimed to not only encourage a healthy lifestyle but also raise awareness about the significance of physical exercise in achieving the SDGs and sustainable development. The event witnessed a remarkable display of unity and support, showcasing the collective effort towards building a healthier and more sustainable society.

With an unwavering commitment to the holistic development of individuals, Professor Hyginus Ekwuazi, the Vice Chancellor of Dominican University, emphasized the event’s importance, stating, “At Dominican University, we firmly believe that a healthy mind and body are essential for personal growth and a sustainable future. The ‘Walk for a Healthy Nation’ epitomizes our dedication to promoting physical exercise, mental wellbeing, and the principles of sustainability within our academic community and the wider society.”

The event drew attention to the critical role regular exercise plays in achieving the SDGs. Regular physical activity has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving cognitive function, concentration, and overall mental health. Additionally, it contributes to cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Recognising the interconnectedness of the SDGs, the “Walk for a Healthy Nation” highlighted the relevance of SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, and its impact on other goals such as SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. The event demonstrated that a healthy population lays the foundation for inclusive education, thriving communities, and sustainable urban development.

Moreover, the “Walk for a Healthy Nation” embraced sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact. Participants were encouraged to use eco-friendly modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, or carpooling, to reach the venue. The event also aimed to create awareness about the importance of sustainability, urging individuals to adopt environmentally friendly behaviours in their daily lives.

Former Chairman of SEPLAT, DR ABC Orjiakor, the Chairperson, Fund Raising Committee, expressed his appreciation for the initiative, stating, “The ‘Walk for a Healthy Nation’ perfectly encapsulates the essence of sustainable development. It not only promotes individual well-being but also highlights the crucial role healthy lifestyles play in achieving a sustainable future for our communities. I commend Dominican University for its dedication to the SDGs and its commitment to fostering a culture of sustainability.”

By organising the “Walk for a Healthy Nation,” Dominican University demonstrated its unwavering commitment to holistic education and the advancement of the SDGs. The event’s success was made possible by the collaborative efforts of the organising committee, volunteers, and the enthusiastic participation of individuals from all walks of life.

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