Beyond Fayemi’s Invitation By EFCC


Gbenga Sodeinde writes that the recent invitation extended to former governor of Ekiti State, Dr Kayode Fayemi, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission  may not be without political undercurrent.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission recently extended invitation to the former Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, over fraud allegations leveled against him as governor.

There was actually an audible inkling about two months ago that such frightening invitation was in the offing, but it didn’t gather enough traction and assumed a dangerous dimension it has reached now.

However, the former governor and his followers have been fighting hard, firing defensive salvos to extricate their principal from the web already weaved around him by his political traducers.

Feelers within Fayemi’s political family indicate that such damning accusations were triggered to scheme Fayemi out of contention for possible ministerial slot under President Bola Tinubu.

Those with this believe were said to have a grudge against Fayemi over how he allegedly dealt with them for supporting Tinubu, who the former Governor stepped down for before the presidential primary.

Prior to the APC presidential primary, it was widely speculated that Fayemi didn’t support Tinubu. But a vivid dissection of that scenario would suggest that he didn’t do it out of hatred; he too was also in contention for the presidency.

Rumour flying around indicated that the duo of Fayemi and former Minister of Works and leader of the Southwest Group for Tinubu Presidency, popularly known as SWAGA, Dayo Adeyeye, are jostling for Ekiti ministerial slot.

Those who are also virulently opposed to Fayemi believed that it was an expected action taken by EFCC to call occupants of exalted positions to question about their financial dealings while in the saddle, saying it wasn’t anything political.

Whichever way the pendulum swings, the battle has begun and the next stage would be shifted to the courtroom, which pundits believed would make the whole game more intriguing and fierce.

The chronicles of the petition written under the auspices of Ekiti Patriotic Consultative Forum and signed by its Secretary, Gbenga Babawibe, accused Fayemi of allocating humungous Security Vote to himself as the Governor, which he said contravened the provision of the law.

The author of the petition also accused Fayemi of contract inflation, money-laundering, and  theft of funds intended for the State Universal Basic Education (SUBEB) programme and Local Councils, misappropriation of Fund meant for building of Airport and Township Road construction in the State.

Babawibe said; “Additionally, it is known that Governor Fayemi claimed to have used funds from the Ekiti State Government to fix and repair federal roads in the state. The Federal Government gave the Ekiti State Government N10 billion in response to a reimbursement request for road repairs.

“However, the Fayemi administration made sure that the Ekiti State Government’s account was not credited with the aforementioned N10 billion refund.

Because the aforementioned N11.6 billion was not used to build roads, the roads in Ekiti State were unpassable and was in a state of disrepair.

“The Kayode Fayemi government has to provide an explanation for the aforementioned N11.6 billion. The government must also clarify the reasons behind the Federal Government did not credit the Ekiti State Government with the N10 billion refund.

“In view of the aforementioned, we urge that the Commission to look into the unlawful diversion of the N11.6 billion that was spent in 2022 on roads in Ekiti State as well as the N10 billion that the federal government refunded to the Ekiti State Government despite no single Federal road in the state was passable under his watch.

“It may interest you to know that the properties declared and published in 2010 by Dr. Fayemi include the following: An undeveloped plot of land at Guzape District in Abuja valued at N30 million; An undeveloped plot of land at Lekki Phase 1 in Lagos valued at N25 million; An undeveloped plot of land at Ambassadorial Enclave, Legon, Ghana valued at US$250,000.

“However,  Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has since diverted public funds belonging to the Ekiti State Government to develop the said empty landed property. They are undeveloped plot of land at Guzape District in Abuja has been developed, and a house has been built on it  The house is located at Wada Nas Street, off Edwin Clark street, off El Rufai Street, Guzape District, Abuja, FCT. The house is worth N500 million.

On Ado Ekiti township flower, the group alleged further that “Nine companies were awarded contracts totaling N596, 151,159.10 to build walkways and improve Ado Ekiti, the capital of the Ekiti State. N306, 165,425.90 in total was given to the contractors. Visiting the undertaking sites will show that no noteworthy actions were taken to warrant this payment” .

Looking at the petition deeply, it was discerning that a web had been weaved around the former Governor.

Meanwhile, Fayemi too remains a veteran of sort in politics, he has taken the battle in its strides and had started mapping out intellectual and judicial strategies to disentangle him from the looming hook.

Fayemi, who responded through a statement by the Head of his Media office, Mallam Ahmed Sajoh, said he had got the EFCC’s invitation and had visited the commission in Ilorin, Kwara State to respond to the accusations, he branded as baseless and unfounded.

The former governor in his concise explanation said ; “Last month, Dr. Fayemi received an invitation from the Ilorin office of the EFCC regarding a money laundering petition against him. It was during the height of the preparations for the change of government, with many activities and programmes lined up as part of the event.

“A key member of the APC, Dr. Fayemi, was already committed to playing important roles at these events and his non-appearance would have impacted them significantly.

“Understanding the significance of his commitments at that time, Dr. Fayemi duly notified the EFCC of his willingness to cooperate but requested a more suitable date for his appearance.

“Yesterday morning, accompanied by his Counsel, Dr. Fayemi, visited the EFCC Ilorin Office, engaging in fruitful discussions with the investigators before being allowed to depart after a few hours.

“We firmly believe that Dr. Fayemi’s visit has provided answers to the agency’s inquiries regarding the petition. However, should there be a need for further clarification, Dr. Fayemi stands ready to cooperate fully.

“We wish to note, too, that contrary to the news that made the rounds about a purported N4 billon fraud case against Dr. Fayemi, no such allegation was raised in his conversation with the EFCC. All he did was respond to a frivolous petition from a faceless group, the so-called Ekiti Patriotic Coalition, which we strongly believed is a front for some anti-Fayemi politicians, who are trying to soil the former governor’s good name and image. 

“Throughout his tenure, Dr. Fayemi served the people of Ekiti State with utmost dedication and is renowned for his principled leadership.

“As governor, he consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to the welfare of the citizens, driving notable advancements in infrastructure development and attracting valuable investment opportunities to the state.

“We affirm that Dr. Fayemi will continue to uphold the highest standards of integrity that he’s known for, and we trust that the truth will prevail in due course”.

Some pro-Fayemi forces had also joined the fray in defence of the former governor. An All Progressives Congress(APC) chieftain, Adesola Adedayo, said the recent probe was politically motivated to edge Fayemi out of the ministerial slot.

The former Senior Legislative Assistant, branded Fayemi as one of the most devoted leaders Ekiti and Nigeria had ever had, saying attempts to dent his image by the recent political undercurrent involving the EFCC would yield no fruit.

Adedayo in a statement in Ado Ekiti said  the commission is saddled with the responsibility of probing any political office holder, but insisted that such coming at a time when scrambling for ministerial position was hotting up makes it looks suspicious.

The APC chieftain expressed optimism that the former Governor will be vindicated in the end, saying he has an unparalleled and rich political history in terms of performances in Ekiti that will let him off the EFCC’s hook without being hurt.

He urged the EFCC to handle the probe with professionalism and without allowing any politician to hide under this to bring the former governor to unwarranted public opprobrium.

Adedayo said; “As one of the ardent political watchers in Ekiti, I knew what each governor that had ruled Ekiti contributed. I knew that the former governor was instrumental to the implementation of the social security scheme in Ekiti, where poor elderly above 65 years earned N5,000 monthly to cushion the effect of poverty on them.

“The governor attracted over $100m investment to Ekiti through partnerships with private investors from the local and international scenes to develop the state.

“He also rescucitated the moribund Ikun Dairy Farm in partnership with Promasidor with a sum of over N5 billion to generate a total of 10,000 litres of milk daily.

“The administration of the former governor dualised Ado-Iyin road, while it rehabilitated the Ado-Ilawe, Iluomoba-Ijesa Isu-Ikole roads, reconstructed Ode-Omuo road, rehabilitated Oye-Ayede-ikun road, reconstructed Erinjiyan-Aramoko road, rehabilitated Ikere-Ise-Emure road, among others.

“It was during his time the International Cargo Airport was constructed. He also constructed the Ekiti Knowledge Zone and completed three phases of buildings at the state Secretariat for civil servants to have improved working condition.

”I believe that ex-Governor Fayemi deserves respect and not shame as being devilishly contrived by some hidden forces.

“The detractors should also know that only God can crown a king; if it has been destined that President Bola Tinubu will appoint him as a Minister, no force on earth can stop it”.

Now, the battle between pro and anti Fayemi forces have begun. The duel will soon be shifted to the court. People are patiently waiting about how the whole scenario will play out, especially whether the web will consume the former governor or vindicate him.

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