Hunters of Joe Biden

Chido Nwangwu writes that the re-election bid of United States President Joe Biden in November, 2023 may be threatened by the recent guilty plea by his son, Hunter Biden, to two misdemeanor charges of willfully failing to pay income taxes.

Hunter Biden is the son of the U.S. President Joe Biden. To underline the fact that he has been a controversial figure for several reasons is really stating the obvious.

It is a trying moment for the Biden family, particularly Joe Biden. I know that one more political football has been thrown into the ideological arena and political theater of American politics! I’ll simply call it the Hunters of Joe Biden.

Consequently, he is a favorite target for his father’s political opponents in the Republican party. On June 20, 2023, drawing from a court filing, the media  and policy platforms reported about Hunter’s guilty plea to two misdemeanor charges of willfully failing to pay income taxes and to enter into an agreement that could avert a conviction on a gun-related charge. 

He’s a lawyer who had worked as a lobbyist and consultant to foreign companies, reportedly in Ukraine and China. Hunter is the surving son of the Bidens. His other son, Beau Biden. died in 2015 of cancer.

Regarding the investigations, and what’s next, Hunter’s lawyer, Christopher Clark, issued a statement noting that: “It is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved. I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life. He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”

On its part, the White House did not express any opinions on the deal concerning Hunter, only stating that “The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. We will have no further comment.”

Although, the investigation into Hunter’s issues and alleged offenses is led by David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware appointed by then President Donald Trump, Republicans especially Trump’s allies and supporters have responded with a flurry of claims. For example, James Comer, the Republican chair of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee, said it’s a mere “slap on the wrist” for Hunter.

Former President Trump, who is aspiring to run again for President in 2024 exclaimed on his Truth Social media platform: ”Wow! The corrupt Biden DOJ just cleared up hundreds of years of criminal liability by giving Hunter Biden a mere ‘traffic ticket.’ Our system is BROKEN!”

Trump is currently facing an indictment on alleged federal criminal charges for willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, making false statements and improper handling of national security information.

The indictment lists his failing to return such classified documents with plans for a U.S retaliatory attack on an unnamed foreign power, defense and weapon capabilities of the U.S., secret details of the U.S. nuclear program, among other charges.  In the history of the United States, it is the first time a sitting or former Commander-in-Chief has faced federal charges as revealed in the unsealed and detailed reports of June 9, 2023.

From his perspective of the plea deal for Hunter,  House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said: “If you are the president’s leading political opponent, the DOJ tries to literally put you in jail and give you prison time. But if you are the president’s son, you get a sweetheart deal.”

Elise Stefanik, the House Republican conference chair, reflected the general, preferred language and grammar of the Republican activists reaction to Hunter and the zeal to make it a Biden White House issue: “This is the epitome of the politicization and Weaponization of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice as they give a slap on the wrist to President Biden’s son – a tax fraud and corrupt pay-to-play criminal.” She claimed that “it’s never been more clear that we have a two-tiered system of justice when you have the son of the sitting President of the United States selling our country out to the highest bidder, laundering money, committing tax fraud, accepting bribes, illegally obtaining a firearm, and shamefully avoiding child support.”

Republicans regard as unacceptable, the Hunter’s deal in which he will plead guilty to the two tax charges in exchange for prosecutors recommending a sentence of two years probation. 

Secondly, they rage and rail at the offer of a plea on the gun charge. His plea will allow the charge to be dropped — at the conclusion of Hunter’s probation if he meets certain conditions, including remaining drug-free and agreeing never to own a firearm. He was addicted (at the time) to cocaine use and alchoholism.

Without a doubt, a measure of partisan confrontation and morality grandstanding will continue to be made from now until the votes are finally cast to elect the next President of the United States.

-Dr. Nwangwu, is Founder of the first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper on the internet,

Follow him on Twitter @Chido247

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