Nwifuru: Rewriting History in Ebonyi

Benjamin Nworie writes that Governor Francis Nwifuru of Ebonyi state has started on a good note and winning the admiration of the people.

in Ebonyi State, the inauguration of the fourth Democratic Governor of the State, Hon. Francis Nwifuru, signalled an end to the old era and beginning of a new dawn.

For the past eight years, Mr David Umahi was the governor of the State.

Many of his critics described Umahi’s reign as a “family business”. To others, it was a reign of an “emperor”. Few others said Umahi was a “sole administrator”. It was as if the tenure of the past administration would not eventually come to an end. It was more worrisome as non government workers also lamented how they wished that the last day can quicken as fast as possible for Umahi to exit office.

Everyone was eager to witness the change of baton from Umahi to Nwifuru even though some people still believed Nwifuru was going to be Umahi’s stooge. Many stories were told how Umahi may still hijack the government of Nwifuru and dictate to him on how the administration should be governed.

Anyway, godfatherism has become a norm between predecessor and successor.

In some quarters, Umahi is hated in Ebonyi State no matter how he tried to please the people. Some do so without any reason and that was why the past administration suffered crisis of mistrust. To them, everything about the government was a game and gambling.

Virtually, all the landmark projects which Umahi recorded were condemned as low or of no economic value to the State.

But Umahi was never bothered whether the criticism of the people were genuine or not. To him, he was simply building for tomorrow.

People were not against the fact that under Umahi, Ebonyi State witnessed many projects but their concerns were total neglect of the priorities of the State and people.

Umahi was blamed for laying off some of his core allies who were with him in 2014 before he rose to power in 2015. Some of them left government because they alleged that Umahi doesn’t take advice and he was incorrigible or that the government was self gratifying.

Some critics believed that Umahi’s style of governance was like a private business. As if it was optional that Umahi had to go on May 29, after serving for eight years, yet people were seriously begging nature to fast track the hands of clock. For them, they were tired of Umahi and his government. 

Umahi promised a lot but when he was reminded of the promises, he would always say  he was not God that fulfil promises.

So, this attitude got people disenchanted and irritated by the government.

Even though Umahi paraded the highest number of appointees in the name of Special Assistants, Senior Technical Assistants and Technical Assistants numbering over 4,000 officials but their appointments were short-lived. The roaming former aides became a “nuisance” to the society. In some cases, salaries were paid at the discretion of the then Governor.

At a point, it appeared that people lost confidence in any policy or programme of the government. The opposition parties alleged that the rot in Umahi’s administration was too high, worsened by huge debt profile though the former Governor debunked the allegations of debts.

During election, Umahi’s factor and influence nearly played negative impact on the choice of Nwifuru. Sme people were against Nwifuru because of the Umahi’s involvement.

To them, Nwifuru was a credible and competent leader that would bring real governance to Ebonyi State.

At the township stadium during his inauguration, some people said they were coming to see how Umahi would feel   being described as former governor.

Others said they would come to see the beginning of a new era while some others jubiliated that it was freedom at last for Ebonyi people.

The emergence of Nwifuru has united Ebonyi State across political divides. Even the opposition elements saw and regarded Umahi as their “common enemy”.

In his inaugural address, Governor Nwifuru said  he has heard a lot on social media of what people said he would do and what they said he wouldn’t do when he assumed office, but he would do everything to justice his conscience and commitment to Ebonyi people.

Shortly after the inauguration, speculations were rife that Umahi had allegedly penciled down some names of principal officers of government that would be announced at the stadium which was in conformity with the old order of “family affairs”.

However, with recent appointments, Ebonyi people are happy and jubilating that Nwifuru has started right  Umahi’s wrongs.

People have cautioned that for Nwifuru’s administration not to suffer integrity and trust crisis, he should inject fresh bloods into his government.

First, Nwifuru appointed the former Chief Press Secretary to Umahi’s Former Deputy Governor, Dr Monday Uzor, as his Chief Press Secretary. Uzor’s appointment was a shocker to all and most importantly, unexpected. It is not as if that Uzor was not qualified but there were people who had been pencilled down for the position.

Second, the Governor appointed 21 Senior and Special Assistants though principally on internal security but the thump up for him was that some regular names were not included. Again, people were happy.

The third appointment was that of the Secretary to Ebonyi state Government (SSG).  Agitations were high. People were already speculating that the delay in the announcement was due to conflicting interest.

Maybe the choice of Umahi and Nwifuru conflicted. But the Governor had emphasized that he would appoint professionals into professional jobs and appoint politicians into political jobs, a standard that was lacking in Umahi’s era.

For the third time, the appointment of the former Director of GST classes in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Prof. Grace Umezurike was also applauded.

Nwifuru said: “I am very much delighted this afternoon, and in doing that, I tender unreserved apology for the shortcomings and delay in swearing in the distinguished appointees which was supposed to have taken place before now. It is due to some exigencies of the office.

“Distinguished leaders, I am aware of all the challenges, and like I said during my inaugural address, we are very much equipped to surmount all the challenges.

“I am so delighted to all of you for your patience, and I still solicit for more patience as we do everything within our reach to put everything, all the segments in place.

“In no distant time all the sectors of government will be fully equiped to perform optimally. So, I still need your patience.

“We have been confronted with a lot of challenges and we are very much sure that with the kind of leaders that we called to help is in discharging those enormous challenges,  within one or two weeks, all these insecurity issues will be a thing of the past.”

He told his new Security Assistants that their core mandate was to give information to the law enforcement agencies.

According to him: “We are not giving the guns, we are not charging them to go and confront them;  the only job they have is to give us and the law enforcement agencies the information.

“And from today, if we record any insecurity, killing anywhere in this State, not only that we will arrest the SA in charge, but we will prosecute him. You have taken up.a very challenging job.”

The Governor further charged them to be more faithful and diligent in discharging their duties.

As Nwifuru kick starts governance, the expectations of people are too many.

Already, he enjoys the confidence of his people as a sincere and straight forward leader who will not gamble with the fortunes and sensitivities of his people.

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