A Fake Priest?

Many people go to a priest to confess their lies and seek forgiveness but what if the priest is the lie himself? A taqueria store in California has used a fake priest to ask for confessions of theft, lateness or disloyalty and to not complain about unpaid overtime.

There is already so much dishonesty in society from the top where an ex-president claimed a false victory to the workers who might leave a bit early from their jobs so why is this an unusual case? The use of a person’s religious beliefs to bully them at work must surely be one of the worst examples of unfair treatment and the company has been fined for their activities.

There was a time when a person’s word and a handshake was all that was needed for any business deal but that was from long past times and now the presumption is that many people aren’t honest, a sad development really.

There have been negative reviews online, but the use of a fake priest might lead to the old ‘fire and brimstone’ punishment in this case.

We should be more trusting and more honest.

Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia

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