Imperatives of Muhammad Sanusi II’s Return

Kabiru Muhammad

In a span of a few days, Dr. Aliyu Tilde has written two essays on the return of Sarkin Kano Muhammad Sanusi to his position as the Emir of Kano. In the first essay, he was clear on the possibility. But in the second essay he was ambivalent indicating that perhaps some influential individuals cautioned him. But why should Sanusi return? The answer is simple and straight-forward, it is because in the first place there was no sane and acceptable reasons for his removal.

Governor Ganduje and the Buhari’s Federal Government did not want him as Emir because he was outspoken against their policies. Sanusi should be commended for his courage and not punished. All his predications and cautions against Buhari’s disastrous economic policies have come to pass. How can a society that works against the truth ever progress? They want an Emir who will follow the whims and caprices of even governor’s wife who determines who to be appointed to even the lowest position in the palace.

Ganduje decided to destroy the Emirate by fragmenting it claiming that even Shehu Usman Danfodio did nothing but “Islamic coup”. So, Governor Ganduje created Emirates to whittle Kano Emir’s prestige and get support of rural populace. That has been totally demystified because his party lost elections in all the so-called original Emirates of Rano, Gaya and Karaye. The APC did not win elections of the State and National Assembly Constituencies in these areas, clear indication that the Emirate issue is inconsequential to the rural populace. All the five Ganduje Emirs fought viciously against NNPP.

Some people are claiming that returning Sanusi will diminish the prestige of the institution. But it is the other way round. Retaining the incumbents is the worst disservice to the legacy of the institution. This is because they have no regard for the institution but they want only its privileges. Only two examples will suffice. The Ado Bayero Foundation headed by the full brother of the two Emirs in conjunction with BUK initiated Public Lecture to commemorate the Legacy of Sarkin Kano Alhaji Ado. BUK had to opt out because of the lack interest from Ado Bayero family.

Five such lectures were held physically. Only seven persons attended the zoom lecture. It was only the public lecture held in Ghana because it was partly organized by some Ghanaians that one of the Emirs attended. They never attended any of the lectures held in Kano despite one-year notice. The Chairman of the last lecture rushed from Germany to attend. But to his shock none of titled sons of Sarkin Kano Ado Bayero attended except one the representative of the Emir of Bichi. The representative of the Emir of Kano did not arrive until the time of closing prayer. Sons of the late Emir cannot attend a lecture that is organized in his honor, for five consecutive years, does this show any sign of respect?

Secondly the two Emirs were always willing to do whatever Ganduje wishes to do, even if it affected the honor of their late father. Governor Ganduje decided to change the Emirate Kingmakers and in addition elevate the person who insulted late Sarkin Kano Alhaji Ado Bayero more than any other individual in the history of Kano. The Supreme Court had ruled that he should not be returned to his title but Governor Ganduje insisted that he must be given another higher title. In fact Governor Ganduje signed a law that gave the family of that man a Kingmaker position. The sons of Late Sarkin Kano Ado Bayero were rewarded for not questioning this desecration of Ibrahim Dabo Legacy.

Ganduje consistently claims that when Sanusi was installed there was resistance and when he was removed there no resistance. Yes, this is true. This is because Sanusi and all those who support him are not violent people. He has the money to recruit perpetrators of violence but he never did and he will never. On the contrary those who occupy the position now are threatening violence if they are removed as it happened on July 10 1981. On this day late Dr. Bala Mohammed was murdered because Governor Rimi queried Sarkin Kano Alhaji Ado Bayero and the person who allegedly did that is now claiming fire and brimstone if Sanusi is brought back. Will the Government succumb to this threat?

Muhammad writes from

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