Taraba Suspends Mining Activities, Rallies Traditional Rulers for Support

From Wole Ayodele in Jalingo

Taraba State Governor, Dr Agbu Kefas has suspended all mining activities in the state till further notice to curb rampant illegal mining activities in the state.

Kefas announced the decision Friday in Jalingo while signing an Executive Order to the effect, lamenting the havoc illegal mining activities are wrecking on the environment, communities and the economy of the state.

Similarly, the governor met with traditional rulers in the state in a bid to rally them towards enforcing the suspension of mining activities and addressing the insecurity challenges facing the state.

Kefas said: “It is with a heavy heart that I announce the need for immediate action to curb the rampant mining and illegal activities that have been wreaking havoc on our environment, our communities and our economy.

“As the Governor of Taraba State, it is my solemn duty to protect the well-being of our citizens and preserve the precious resources that nature has bestowed upon us.

“Over the years, we have witnessed a surge in mining activities, both legal and illegal, which have caused significant damage to our ecosystems,” the governor explained.

He said the unregulated extraction of minerals had led to deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution and loss of biodiversity.

H said: “Our rivers have become contaminated, affecting the health of our people and jeopardizing our agricultural activities just as it has become a cancer eating away at the very fabric of our society.

“It has led to the exploitation of our vulnerable communities, increased crime rates, and contributed to social unrest.”

He further stated that the revenue that should have been channelled into public welfare and infrastructure development has been siphoned away, leaving our people in dire need.

He maintained that the decision was not taken lightly but a necessary step to preserve the environment and ensure sustainable development adding that the executive order will serve as a strong message to those who have been engaging in illegal mining activities.

He urge the federal government and development partners to support the state’s efforts in restoring the damage caused by years of unchecked mining activities through comprehensive reforestation program, provision of alternative employment opportunities and strengthening the state’s capacity for effective regulation and monitoring.

Addressing the traditional rulers, Kefas disclosed that the meeting was to address critical issues of insecurity, the need for collaboration and the urgent need to curb illegal mining activities.

According to him, Taraba, like many other states has been grappling with the scourge of insecurity particularly banditry, kidnapping, communal clashes and farmers/ herders conflicts which according to him has inflicted serious pains on the people.

He observed that the loss of innocent lives, displacement of communities and destruction of properties “have cast a dark cloud over our once peaceful state. It is our collective responsibility to confront these challenges head-on and restore peace and security to our state.

“Your Royal Highnesses, while mining holds great potential for economic growth, the unregulated and illegal mining practices pose significant threat to our environment, economic, and social values. It is imperative that we put an end to these illegal activities”

“By strengthening our regulatory framework, improving enforcement mechanisms and by ensuring responsible mining practices in curbing illegal operations, we can harness the wealth beneath our soil while safeguarding our environment for the future generation.”

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