Isoken, the story of Isoken Nwabunka

Soni Irabor

The book entitled Isoken, is a book that takes one into an unprecedented world of a would be unsuspecting young lady, who was born into affluence but within a few years, saw herself thrown into the deep end of poverty.

She was born to very happy polygamous family. Her father, a medical doctor was not only well to do he had everything going well for him. Her mother, an industrious lady could do the most unique and unusual of businesses. The difference was that she was not as well read as her medical doctor polygamous husband.  This did not deter her. What she could not achieve in education she could in her exceptional gift at doing business. Isoken meanwhile was doing well in school. She had an elder brother in Anthony.  They were the only two from her mother to her father. There were other siblings from another wife and they lived well and happy together under one roof.

Isoken was held close to her mother who seized every opportunity to instill in her a remarkable sense of industry and self-reliance, independence that was to pay off well, later in life.

It is pertinent to note that Isoken had no reason not to be like any other child from a well to do family her tender age, since she had everything going well for her at that time in Benin. After all she was the daughter of a medical doctor who was good at his job, influential and had a stable polygamous family. Her mother too, had a natural inclination to be self-reliant. Her business thrived and the children did not lack anything.

Isoken is a story like no other. It is told in a simple straight forward manner. However, it is that bare-it-all simplicity that holds one spellbound in a compelling flow, until suddenly, the author pauses and takes you into another world. This she achieves through the eyes of somebody else who continues telling the story about the main character Isoken, from his or her perspective. I was to find this unique and refreshing in the course of the story.

Let’s join her in her journey through life. Isoken was only eight years old when tragedy struck. The pillar of the family, her lovely father, died suddenly and things took a drastic turn from a happy well to do family to one of struggle for survival. In a short time, everything changed from bad to worse. She was now left with just her mother and her brother, Anthony. Her step mother soon left with her half brothers and sisters.

It was as if her mother knew what was going to happen so she hit the ground running as she made sure Isoken and her brother did not stop schooling. Things went on well for a short while. Well, let’s not get too deep into the story as it is not in my place to deny you the joy of savouring the twists and turns in this suspense laden narrative.

Isoken is a story of survival in the struggle of a very young independent woman who saw her loved ones, that would have nurtured her through the adventures of life, drop out of the race over time or fate threw major responsibilities on her young shoulders at a tender age.

How did she cope? What became of her other siblings? Did she finish school? When she was growing up, girls her age and naivety were thrown into the deep end of the struggle for survival as they were tempted with all kinds of false promises.  But not Isoken. How did she conquer this vicious encounter and temptation? What became of her very business oriented industrious pillar of Isoken’s family, her mother?

It is pertinent to observe that the author’s ability to weave in and out of this type of narrative without losing the flow, shows how deeply well organised she became in her adult life. How did she meet her husband, Dr Godwin Nwabunka, a PhD holder when she was still trying to understand the demands of life?

The most compelling aspect of this beautiful narrative is how she turned out from a promising little school girl to a street hawker in Benin; to a struggling no nonsense young lady in Lagos; who could hawk fire extinguishers, cosmetic and car spare parts! Arguably, a man’s job. She combined all these mixed qualities with being a young unspoilt lady in a promiscuous society that has hardly been a level playing field for the youth, especially the female youth. Later, she became a proud mother of brilliant children she didn’t want to see experience her type of upbringing. And a dutiful wife to a caring, doting husband and father.

I observed that there were other tellers of this same story. Who are they? I should let you know that the author’s ability to hold you spellbound is entirely her own. She is gifted at telling her story. It also exposes her steadfast nature of a never-give-up spirit. I have been so tempted to delve deeper into playing the ‘Amebo’ just to enjoy revealing the tell-tale juicy part of how she bridged the academic gap between her husband’s PhD status and her secondary school certificate status. You will not believe what this woman did!

Anyway, enough of that. Get yourself a copy. On a critical note, I saw some minor typos, quite negligible. However, I should mention one important fact. The school Isoken attended is actually IGUOBAZUWA not Igbobazuwa. I recommend Isoken the Book to every Academic Institution for the simple reason that it is a first-class, first-hand reference book to anyone who is SME inclined. And there are many of us. This book is simply unique!

I recommend it to every discerning mind because it is a book that teaches us how to survive in a harsh business environment like Nigeria. It is a story that takes you through the stark realities of disappointment, betrayal and trust in an unprecedented, unpredictable maneuvers through the quick sands of life, not knowing where to step your foot. Yet, Isoken survived it all without a scratch! Phew! I rest my case. I recommend it to all.

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