Jasper Hillview Estate, Nigeria’s Wholly Eco City

GTEXT Homes, a subsidiary of GTEXT Holdings, is the promoter of Jasper Hillview Estate, a sprawling fine piece of real estate in Abuja that is designed as a wholly Eco City, the first of its kind in Nigeria. Its energy needs will be totally off the national grid, coming from renewable sources- solar, wind, biogas, says Dr. Stephen Akintayo, the founder and Chairman of GTEXT Holdings. Bennett Oghifo writes

Jasper Hillview Estate is an all-inclusive property that is located in a choice location in Lugbe, Abuja, about 20 minutes drive from the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport.

“This particular land has a lot of potential,” said Dr. Stephen Akintayo, the founder and Chairman of GTEXT Holding at the unveiling of the site office, recently. “We looked at the fact the lay-out is well-structured and at the back there is a river which can take all the drainage, which is very important in building and housing that you have to be conscious about, because sometimes it is either that people are building without having proper drainage or the drainages are blocked or sometimes it does not have where it will empty itself.”

A major selling point  of GTEXT Holdings, Akintayo said, is the provision of high quality homes that fit the prestigious lifestyles of residents. And they have very big plans for the future.

“Our vision is simple, we are going for 25,000 green and smart homes from now till 2035. We are working on 200 estates and we currently have over 30 in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Asaba Abeokuta and in Oyo State and here in Abuja.”

The company plans to launch its third housing project and their vision is to really build a green and a smart home and have estates that will give the right lifestyle.

“A major thing that we are doing is that all our estates are going to be powered by solar and wind all renewable and we not connecting to the national grid and we are happy with the new electricity Act that was passed that allows private sector to be able to generate their power and also we are going to be looking at those opportunities depending on where we are.

“Another unique thing about us is that every of our waste will be recycled to generate biogas that will be used for cooking in the estate 

“In some of our estates that are bigger than this (Jasper) we will be putting a golf course, others polo club and some will have more …cinema and all the basic infrastructure for a good lifestyle and for me we should begin to think of housing not just from the perspective of just building houses but giving people quality lifestyles.

“Those that have invested with us in Dubai will also know that some of the properties that they have invested in are properties that enhance that kind of lifestyle and those that have also had dealings with us in the US and UK as we are all in these countries and not just Nigeria.

“For us, we need to change the narrative and change the game. We all cannot just keep waiting for the government privately. There are things that we need to do. It is not easy but it is do-able once we have faith and we believe in the vision there is nothing that is impossible. We pray that we will be back here two or three years from now to see this job is done.”

Jasper Estate has a scenic view to it that includes a mountain side that can easily be used as a cable car coming down, said Akintayo. “And so we thought of putting a park here, as well as an hospital, aside the residential and one of the key things for us when building an estate is that we love an all-inclusive community where everything is properly set up and, for us, that is one of the key things that is important to us building a community and not just building houses.

“One of the biggest problems that we have seen when it comes to construction in Nigeria is the fact we are not looking at holistic housing.

“How many people die between their house and the hospital that they are going to, the distance couldn’t take care of the emergency that has happened and for us the model is that every of our estate we shall have a mini-hospital that can take care of major and basic health needs.”

“We are starting with a minimum of 3 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms and the duplex with 5 bedrooms with BQ and a private swimming pool,” Akintoye said.

Former Inspector General of Police Mike Okiro was a special guest at the unveiling. “History is being made today with the commissioning of this office that will be responsible for the proper supervision of this estate which hopefully will be first of its kind in the country.

“The estate in view is very unique in that it is green and smart, not relying on the national grid for electricity supply. It will use solar and gas to be generated from waste. We need to commend the Chairman, Mr. Stephen for this innovation in the housing sector and for his contribution to the development of Nigeria.

“Housing is very critical to man’s existence. It is such a basic need according to Maslow’s ranking after food as a basic necessity of man and so GTEXT is blazing a trail in the housing industry. Our wish is that housing across the country be made affordable to every segment of the society.”

Another guest, Senator (Dr) John Abraham Godson, a Nigerian-born two-term Senator in Poland, lauded Akintoye “for the innovation he has brought into the housing landscape in Nigeria.” 

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