NBA-SBL Unveils Keynote Speaker and Programme Topics

The Nigerian Bar Association, Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), is excited to announce the highly anticipated 17th Annual International Business Law Conference, scheduled to take place from July 5th to 7th, 2023, at the prestigious Eko Hotel and Suites in Lagos.

With the timely theme “The Nigerian Business Landscape: Priorities for Law, Policy, and Regulation,” the NBA-SBL Conference 2023 is set to be the premier event for professionals, policy-makers, and industry leaders. This Conference will provide a dynamic platform for insightful discussions and strategic collaborations, aimed at shaping the future of business law in Nigeria.

“On behalf of the NBA-SBL, Ayoyinka Olajide-Awosedo, Chair of the Conference Planning Committee, is honoured to introduce our esteemed Keynote Speaker for the Conference, Shubham Chaudhuri, the current Country Director for Nigeria at the World Bank. Chaudhuri brings a wealth of experience and accomplishments to the Conference, with his expertise in business and economic development. His keynote address will provide valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of the Nigerian business environment and emphasise the critical role of law, policy, and regulation in driving sustainable growth and economic development.

The NBA-SBL Annual Conference 2023 will feature a comprehensive programme, covering a wide range of topical issues crucial to the Nigerian business landscape. Participants can expect engaging discussions and interactive sessions on key areas such as:

1. Transforming Nigeria’s Business Environment: Unlocking Potential through Legislative and Policy Reforms.

2. The Future of Financial Services Regulations in Nigeria: Is there a need for a Paradigm Shift?

3. The Nigerian Start-up Act: From Enactment to Implementation; What’s Next?

4. The Impact of Emerging Technologies and Digital Transformation on the Nigerian Business and Legal Environment.

5. Closing Nigeria’s Infrastructural Gap with Public-Private Partnerships.

In addition, the Conference will focus on other sectors, including Mining, the Creative Industry, Agriculture, Energy, and Transport, providing valuable insights into these industries.

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