Ibom Power MD Nominated for Excel- lence Award in the UK

FOREIGN Investors Net work, (FIN), a key driv- er of Foreign Direct Invest- ment (FDI) for Africa and other developing econo- mies, has nominated the Managing Director/CEO of Ibom Power Company Lim- ited, Engr. Meyen Etukudo for its FIN -Award of Excel- lence 2023.

According to the UK- based company, the award will be given to Engr. Etuku- do in London during the FIN Oil and Gas Confer- ence and Exhibition holding on the 18th and 19th of July 2023. The MD is also a spe- cial guest of honour and speaker at the Conference themed ‘Enabling LNG En- ergy in Transition’.

The nomination was communicated to Engr. Etuku- do in a letter signed by the President of the FIN Group, Dr. Alex Itkin and the Chief Operating Officer, Dominic

Ajayi. In its letter, the over-20- year-old organization stat- ed that Engr. Etukudo was nominated for the award of excellence in recognition of his ‘doggedness, dedication and commitment to the ser- vice of his country, Nigeria’.

“We are also impressed with your impeccable track- record of coming up with practical improvement ini- tiatives undertaken by Ibom Power to enhance organiza- tional overall effectiveness and restructuring of power supply in Akwa Ibom”.

The organization stated that Engr. Etukudo’s success- ful leadership of Akwa Ibom State power sector set a pre- cedent for all other indige- nous power holding institu- tions.

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