Putin is another Hitler in the making and should be stopped, argues Victor C. Ariole

General Eduard Wagner was one of the trusted Generals of Hitler and he manned the army supply of Hitler aka Quartermaster general. He had wanted to penetrate deeply the Russian territory as Russians had been the toughest and hardest nut to crack in the WW2 period having already occupied France right from the earliest period of the war and having tamed effectively field Marshall Petain of France who even as a French man had to be loyal to Hitler while General Charles de Gaulle organized the loyal colonial army and resistant French soldiers from Algeria for a re-take of France.

General Eduard Wagner wanted to hit the Russians with winter kits and as he was not getting the supply right, he wrote to Hitler to supply what it takes to occupy Leningrad. It did not come through as he expected hence a frustration that led him to join a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler though for him, that could not be possible as he supplied the jet that ought to carry Hitler where a bomb had to explode, but he wanted Heinrich Himmler in it also. Heinrich Himmler is known to be the right-hand man of Hitler who orchestrated the Holocaust. In effect he was the greatest enemy of the Jews

Like General Wagner targeting a holocaust engineered Himmler, like the current loader of Wagner group Yevgeny Prigozhin, of Jewish origin, even when not practicing Jew like Volodymr Zelensky, could be said to be highly motivated to fight supposed “nazi regime” which Putin claims is gathering in Ukraine.

Report has it that over one million Russians were on the side of Himmler and Hitler in their avowed holocaust mission hence fighting Staline, the Russian war leaders.

Staline was greatly supported by the feeling Jews who found refuge in USSR and its environs. To Joseph Staline, of nationalities in USSR, anti-Semitics are seen like cannibals and must be dealt with decisively.

Hatred and revenge seem to be driving the current war in Ukraine. Hitler lost control because of hatred, unmindful of the fact that a totalitarian ruler has a limit to which his control likes and that someone seen to be his cherished General, Wagner, was not with him; and that Wagner’s interest was how to extend an empire where the Jews could feel safer, already demonstrated by Staline and with Russia occupying a surface of over 17 million Km2, and accommodating the Jews had a better combination of Nationalities that could do better on the empire expansion. Staline was a leader in how to blend Nationalities for the Bolshevic anachronistic interest redefined by him as quite impossible with the bourgeois movement led by the West, USA especially.

Staline seems a better reformed 1917 revolutionary Russian in which people like Albert Camus subscribed to as a better approach to leading humanity. However, Camus felt that the trials and perversions seen in Gulag Russia, furnished the type of freedom the West and USA represented in their bourgeois approach to leadership, a good conscience and a worthy argument against the Bolshevik revolution; hence the reason to question the attitude of Putin in his quest to occupy other countries that stretch from Siberian borders to China, crossing  Kazhaskan, starting from what he calls military exercise to annex Ukraine and who says he would not aim farther than Ukraine in his westward move.

Hitler has aimed the same way to claim a very strong Third Reich and it went well with General Wagner. Their interest only failed to intersect at the point which Hitler felt that his Reich would be better without the Jews, while Staline intersects with General Wagner for the safety of the Jews for a better progressive world.

Those interests are what, currently, Putin and European Union are at war with in Ukraine – Bourgeois interests and botched Bolshevik interest as Russian is now ruled by oligarchs including private military companies funded by the state in which Wagner group rules, extended to Africa where they are creating instability in West and Central Africa for further annexation and extension of a possible Putin’s empire.

Staline did not plan for annexation of countries like Putin is doing from Georgia, Cheychena, Estonia, Armenia Afghanistan, etc. Putin is like another Hitler for the world and needed to be stopped; and Wagner group that he uses must be checked worldwide before they turn to the new wave of the Viking raiders.

Unfortunately the United Nations that dissolved the League of Nations seems not capable of convening conferences or calling on other concerned nations to appeal or force Russia to stop the killing of Ukrainians. Russia being one of the permanent members of the Security Council has violated its own veto rule of the sanctity of sovereign nations hence ought to be seen as an outcast.

 Ariole is a Professor of French and Francophone Studies,

University of Lagos

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