Subsidy Removal: CD Makes Case for Palliatives to Avoid Social Unrest

Ayodeji Ake

The Campaign for Democracy (CD) has raised concerns about the hardship of the people as a result of the fuel subsidy removal without adequate palliative measures to cushion the effects of the removal.

The South-west faction of the group in a statement issued yesterday noted that if the federal government failed to make available palliatives, the unlimited sufferings of Nigerians may metamorphose into social unrest and protests.

The statement signed by the Vice President, CD, South-west, Godwin Abiodun Akangbe, highlighted businesses suffering for survival, a bleeding transportation system, and indigent Nigerians turning to beggars among other challenges as consequences of the subsidy removal.

According to the statement, “The situation on the ground is so bad that the people are groaning. Well-kitted men and women have turned to beggars just to meet up with daily needs. The situation around the cities is so terrible.

“Most families have dumped their cars. Nigerians get poorer yearly.

“Small businesses, particularly those heavily reliant on transportation and high fuel consumption, have faced increased operational costs. Transportation expenses have risen, reducing employees’ disposable income, which has a cascading effect on their financial well-being.

“It has also placed an additional financial burden on students who often have limited resources. The decision of the government to abruptly remove the fuel subsidy without first implementing adequate palliative measures it is a sign of government insensitivity to the plight of the people and taking them for granted, the consequences will be severe resulting to social unrest and protest, which the government will face challenges in managing such unrest that might lead to economic disruption.”

The statement suggested that the federal government should, as a palliative measure, invest in the public transport system to alleviate the burden of fuel prices on Nigerians.

“The CD, therefore, called on the government to immediately put in place palliative measures such as investment in public transport to make it affordable and accessible and to encourage the use of alternative and renewable energy sources to alleviate the burden of increased fuel prices on the people. A good government is put in place for the good of the people,” it stated.

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