Pharmacists Raise The Alarm Over Lack of Ethical Drug Distribution Control

Pharmacists under the aegis of Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) have raised the alarm on the risk of high morbidity and mortality in the country as a result of lack of control in ethical drug distribution.

The body attributed the worrisome development to total surrender of drug channel distribution to charlatans and infiltrators, who without the requisite qualifications and respect to laws and policies of the country, have taken over the distribution network.

The Chairman of ACPN, Wale Oladigbolu, who decried the prevailing situation, described it as a big security threat to the health of the nation and cautioned against the undesirable consequences of the development.

He expressed concern that the nation’s adversaries could take advantage of the unhealthy situation to undermine the health of vulnerable citizenry through unwholesome practices, including lacing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and excipients or finished products with harmful substances.

“This is because the adversaries of this nation can explore the inherent weaknesses in the value chain of drug distribution endeavours to impose significant morbidity and mortality on our vulnerable population by lacing our APIs, excipients or finished products with very lethal substances which would have created havoc before the possibility of a damage control.   

“There is a strong need to embrace control over ethical drug distribution as the current status quo constitutes gargantuan security threats to the health of our nation. 

This is because the adversaries of this nation can explore the inherent weaknesses in the value chain of drug distribution endeavours to impose significant morbidity and mortality on our vulnerable population by lacing our APIs, excipients or finished products with very lethal substances which would have created havoc before the possibility of a damage control,’’ he said.

According to a release by ACPN signed by Oladigbolu and Secretary of the association, Ambrose Ezeh; the non-production of APIs in the country has been a factor militating against medicine security in the nation’s health delivery and needs urgent solution.

“The challenges of medicine security have always been tied to the non-production of APIs in our country, but obvious challenges in the drug distribution network now make it imperative that we must have more robust consultations to nip in the bud the seemingly deep and penetrating aberrations in distribution network.’’

They pointed at the PCN Act 2022 as a commendable step against what obtained hitherto which did not give enough regulatory power of use of drugs, and called for the implementation of the law in consonance with drug matters as contained in the Act.

“The PCN Act 2022 is a worthy departure from the ugly past when laws did not place much premium on regulatory control and safe use of drugs. Some of the specific provisos the federal government must activate immediately in consonance of listing drug matters as item 21 of Part I in the 2nd schedule of the Exclusive list in the 1999 Constitution include Section 2(I) k which lists the DG-NAFDAC as a member of the PCN, a move which institutes and compels collaboration between PCN and NAFDAC.

“Also worthy of note is Section 4 (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) which details the powers and functions of PCN instead of assumptions which was the norm hitherto. It also identifies all stakeholders to be regulated through inspection, approvals and licensure to ensure Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). While Section 16 compels PCN to have a register of Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Pharmacy premises, Satellite Medicine facilities and Patent Medicine facilities and not unambiguous about persons and facilities licensed to handle all categories of drugs in Nigeria.’’

According to the document, Section 31 spells out condition precedent to appoint Pharmaceutical Inspection Officers (PIO) which are grounded in their licensure as Registered Pharmacist. Section 32 spells out the powers of PIOs in Nigeria for the first time. The PIOs can enter anywhere they suspect a violation of the PCN Act 2022. The wide ranging powers include inspecting and sealing Pharma premises where there are violations.

“In Section 33, the Inspection and Registration of Hospital Pharmacy premises is made lawful with a further insistence that all such Hospital Pharmacies must have Superintendent Pharmacists.’’

“After its usual critical evaluation of health laws and policies, the ACPN strongly urges government at all levels, including requisite stakeholders to catalyse Universal Health Coverage by formalising better rules of engagement with community pharmacies in alignment with global best practices.

The pharmacists’ body said the future of community pharmacy is undergoing significant global transformation, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer expectations and evolving healthcare systems.

“Community pharmacies, traditionally known for dispensing medications, are now expanding their role to provide a broader range of healthcare services. It listed some key trends shaping the future of community pharmacy to include integrated technology. Community pharmacies are embracing technology to enhance efficiency, improve patient experience, and offer innovative services. This includes adopting automated systems for medication dispensing, implementing electronic health records (EHRs) for seamless information exchange, and utilising tele-health platforms to provide remote consultations and medication counselling.

“Personalised patient care and expanded clinical services are also another innovative aspect of community pharmacies. With the increasing availability of health data and analytics, community pharmacies can better understand and support individual patient needs. They are leveraging technology and data-driven tools to offer personalised medication management, adherence monitoring which help optimise treatment outcomes and improve patient well-being.

“It is evolving beyond medication dispensing to provide a broader range of clinical services. This includes offering vaccinations, health screenings, chronic disease management programs, and point-of-care testing for conditions like diabetes and hypertension. By offering such services, pharmacies become accessible healthcare hubs, ensuring convenient and timely care for patients.’’

They further explained that community pharmacies are adapting to consumers’ shifting preferences for convenience and digital access. “They are investing in user-friendly mobile apps, on-line platforms, and AI-powered chat-bots to enable virtual consultations, medication refills, appointment bookings, and personalised health recommendations.

“The future of community pharmacy lies in its ability to adapt to changing healthcare demands, leverage technology-enabled solutions, and provide expanded patient-centred care. By integrating technology, offering personalised services, collaborating with healthcare providers, and emphasising preventative care. Community pharmacies will continue to play a vital role in the evolving healthcare ecosystem, ensuring accessible, convenient and comprehensive healthcare services for patients,’’ ACPN said. 

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