Quintessential Oil Guru Greg Uanseru, Celebrates at 65

Quintessential businessman, Greg Uanseru, would be conveniently described as a man with the Midas Touch, a mesmerising maestro in the art of money making. It is no surprise that everything good seems to be conspiring in his favour. He has made good for himself as a businessman and one of Nigeria’s wealthiest.

A few of the descriptions that capture Uanseru include but are not limited to – a cerebral entrepreneur, a rare gem with panache and a Christian with infectious value.

Uanseru’s deeds and acts have lifted the banners of business integrity, dexterity, true statesmanship, exemplary industry, perseverance, and every other value of importance. Indeed, he is synonymous with excellence and service to humanity.

However, what this savvy entrepreneur businessman has going for him is that despite conquering the business world like a volcano, he does not allow the frills and thrills of vulgar materialism to erode the more sublime traits that are prime requirements in an astute businessman.

His razor-sharp intellect, to a large extent, has made a great impact on the nation’s business, thereby taking his businesses to enviable heights.

The President and CEO of GCA Energy Limited will be celebrating his 65th birthday on July 25, 2023. For the highly regarded oil mogul, it is yet another opportunity for the world to honour and celebrate the man whose contribution to the nation’s economy cannot be ignored. Also, his life is a great motivation for many that have lost hope. He is a real definition that hard work and persistence pay.

Society Watch gathered that, like a big masquerade that is about to dance at the market square, many would definitely beat their paths to watch it dance.  Many of his friends and admirers will put aside their busy schedules to celebrate with him at his palatial mansion at the GRA Ikeja, Lagos.

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