Association Harps on Policies, Legislative Measures to Support  Orphans

Kuni Tyessi in Abuja

The Association of Orphanages and Home Operators in Nigeria (ASOHON) has called on the 10th Assembly to make favourable and implementable policies that will see to the welfare of orphans in the country.

The association at its general conference held in Abuja gave eight areas of partnership which, according to it, would change the negative perception of orphanages and the misconception that they are solely responsible for the high number of vulnerable children. 

The National President, ASOHON, Dr. Gabriel Oyediji, in his speech with the theme “Advocating change: policy and legislative measures in support of orphans’ welfare in Nigeria,” said the legislative policies and frameworks are expected to define the rights and protection of orphans, including access to education, healthcare, inheritance and legal representation amongst others.

“We are advocating legislative policies and measures that establishe comprehensive legal frameworks that define the rights and protection of orphans, including access to education, healthcare, inheritance, and legal representation.

“A proactive streamlining and harmonisation of adoption processes, reducing bureaucracy and ensuring the best interest of the child are prioritised while maintaining appropriate safeguards.

“Legislative policies and measures that strengthens foster care system including robust screening,training and support to foster families to provide stable and nurturing environment for orphaned children.

“Legislative policies that ensures availability of monthly grants for operators of registered homes as well as robust budgetary fund allocations to social development and humanitarian Ministries across the country.

“Other areas where we desire legislative measures and policies include the following: establishing mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in the disbursement of funds and resources allocated for orphan welfare;”raising awareness among the general public, policymakers, and stakeholders about the challenges faced by orphans and the importance of supporting their welfare.

“Conduct campaigns and educational programs to challenge societal stigmas and misconceptions surrounding orphan hood, promoting inclusivity and acceptance.”

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