NACCIMA Calls for Increased Private Sector Collaboration to Boost Economic Growth

Yetunde Bello

The National President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), Dele Kelvin Oye, has called for an increased public-private sector collaboration to strengthen free trade zone operations in the country and enhance economic growth and development.

The NACCIMA boss stated this on the sidelines of the emergency meeting on Free Trade Zones operations organised by the Nigeria Economic Zones Association (NEZA) in collaboration with the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) and Oil and Gas Free Zones Authority (OGFZA).

Oye, who lauded the initiative, said the meeting would provide a fine platform to address the pressing challenges faced by Free Trade Zone (FTZ) operators, which will ultimately enhance their operations and improve the economy.

Reiterating the importance of a strong and efficient free trade policy in the country, the NACCIMA president noted that the policy would enable Nigerian businesses to compete successfully in the global market and expand their reach.

According to him, “On behalf of the NACCIMA, it is my pleasure to express my support for the emergency meeting on FTZ operations being organised by the Nigeria Economic Zones Association (NEZA) in collaboration with the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) and Oil and Gas Free Zones Authority (OGFZA).

“As the president of NACCIMA, I recognise the importance of a strong and efficient free trade policy in the country, which would enable Nigerian businesses to compete successfully on the global market and expand their reach. I, therefore, commend this initiative by NEZA and its partners in the government and private sectors, aimed at addressing the pressing challenges faced by FTZ operators, which will ultimately enhance their operations and improve the economy.”

Oye further noted: “I encourage all stakeholders and participants to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborate towards generating innovative solutions that will positively impact the FTZ industry in Nigeria. Ultimately, the successful outcome of this meeting will promote increased investment and trade, and, by extension, the growth of our economy.

“Once again, I am grateful for this opportunity to convey my goodwill, and I look forward to the positive impact this meeting will have on the operations of Free Trade Zones in Nigeria.”

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