A Bomb Versus a Bombshell?

A local newspaper has reviews of the two current big movies, “Oppenheimer versus Barbie” or a bomb versus a bombshell. Both seem very popular although probably attracting different audiences. 

As a science teacher I am always pleased to see scientists portrayed on the big screen with Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist and Barbie an astronaut, Mars explorer, astrophysicist, chemist, entomologist, marine biologist, robotics engineer, palaeontologist and zoologist amongst her over 200 different careers. She was also a science teacher like me, although I was less into Pink. 

It is good to see the world through pink colored glasses, but we need more students to undertake science in their studies and enter the scientific occupations although hopefully not bomb making and concentrating on one major field. 

Let’s hope that young people see how science can make the world a better place and how they can contribute to its progress. 

 Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia  

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