Atedo Peterside: An Advocate of Good Governance @ 68 

“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”

                    — Tony Robbins 

Chidiebere Nwobodo

Atedo Nari Atowari Peterside (ANAP), is a household name in Nigeria. He needs no introduction. He has carved a niche for himself in the private sector. As the founder of Stanbic IBTC Bank, he traversed the nation’s banking hemisphere like a colossus, leaving an indelible footprints of excellence in the marbles of the economy. As then young banker with NAL Merchant Bank (now known as Sterling Bank PLC), he was never in doubt of what he intended to achieve in the industry before calling it a day. His sole aim was to pioneer a bank, but according to regulatory rules of engagement, he needed ten years of experience to prepare for his long-nursed vision, culminating into a successful career.

It is safe to say, without fear of exaggeration, that Atedo Peterside’s success in the banking industry is one borne out of a clear-cut vision, prepared mind and dedication to hard work in pursuit of excellence. You cannot list pioneers of Nigeria’s new generation banking without mentioning his name. Born in July, 1955, to the family of Chief Michael Atowari Peterside in Rivers State, he obtained his first degree at City University, London, where he studied Economics. He later got his Masters degree in Economics in 1977, from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Being the son of an Ophthalmologist, the then young Atedo chose a different career path from his dad. He opted to be an Economist cum banker turned entrepreneur.

Atedo Peterside killed three birds not only with one stone—in one sling shot. He said: “I was more of an entrepreneur who just happened to be in banking. I took to banking as a career with the clear intention of becoming a bank entrepreneur.” Outside being the founder of a successful bank, Atedo Peterside served as board chairman at Cadbury and board member of Nigerian Breweries, Unilever and Non-Executive Director of Flour Mills Nigeria PLC. He left active banking to venture into aviation industry via ANAP Jets Limited—where he calls the shot as the chairman, as well as a major shareholder. ANAP Jets Limited is a reputable aviation player that offers charter and aircraft management services, to serve business executives and other clients. The company has a technical partnership with Aliserio S.r.l of Italy with over 40 years of experience in European aviation industry.

Atedo Peterside is a shrewd investor and quintessential entrepreneur who has proven his mantle in the businessworld. As a billionaire entrepreneur, he has created thousands of jobs and added enormous value to the nation’s economy. Ordinarily, he is made in life with less to worry about. Using known measures cum indices of success, Atedo Peterside is highly successful banker, investor, businessman and entrepreneur. But there is a greater attribute bigger than just being successful—helping others to become successful, of which he has embodied. Atedo Peterside has chosen to be an advocate of good governance. He is of the school of thought that it will amount to injustice if our today’s youths are being denied the same ladder they (successful entrepreneurs) used to climb in the past, as a result of bad governance structure strangulating potentials of Nigerian youth.

This is the philosophy that inspired him to become an advocate of good governance which birthed ANAP Foundation—a non-governmental organisation dedicated for the crusade of good governance. ANAP Foundation, in its few years of existence has helped alot to deepen democracy vis-a-vis good governance in the country. As the president of ANAP Foundation, Atedo Peterside has come down from his olympian height to advocate for better governing structure for the populace. It is rare to see a billionaire in Africa championing the course of the masses, downtrodden, weak and the vulnerable in the society. This challenging mission implies stepping on the toes of government authorities, including leaders in the critical sectors of the country. While most billionaires are preoccupied with protecting and projecting their business as well as political interests, like Tony Robbins espoused, Atedo Peterside, through his sincere and selfless contribution is not only experiencing life’s deepest joy of true fulfillment, but has become one of the moral touchbearers of the nation.

One of the outstanding attributes of the elder statesman that has caught my fancy, is his unparalleled love for the youth. He is always worried about what the future holds for Nigerian youth in the face of bad governance crippling the system. Whenever opportunity calls—be it during media interviews, panel sessions of conferences, et cetera, he has always stood for the youths. “I am sad that today, no young Nigerian at age 33 can start a bank the same way I did because the rules will not even permit him. I feel like the rules have been rigged against the younger generation and that is why you see most of them going into the creative arts like singing, dancing and acting because that is where they feel they have advantage over the older generation. We need to look at influencing public policy to give them competitive advantage in every sector including public offices.” Peterside said.

He is bothered that the opportunities that were available for his generation when he was younger, has been inadvertently taken away from today’s youth in the country. Millions of young Nigerians have become disillusioned and despondent as a result of lack of opportunities and a hostile operating environment that frustrate ideas. Like an empathic father, he wonders what the future of the country holds for her youth who are taughted to be leaders of tomorrow. The hallmark of his advocacy for good governance is to create a country that works for all, especially the youth. Peterside is not ruffled that it appears he is the lone voice in the wilderness championing this course, especially amongst the circle of billionaires, because he shares the ideology of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

One of the tendencies I find unpleasant about African cultures, is that we don’t celebrate good people when they are alife, especially in the supposedly proportions. We tend to play down uncommon virtues and promote vainglorious expeditions. Despite the fact that I have not met him personally or have access to Atedo Peterside, I chose to stand out of the crowd to celebrate him on the occasion of his 68th anniversary. For few years now, I have keenly observed and taken note of his campaign for good governance in the country, as it effects the masses, especially the youthful population. We should cultivate the habit of eulogising those who have chosen the path of humanity, especially when they are not obligated to do so. Being a renowned critic of government as a billionaire with business interests in the economy, is tantamount to embarking on a suicide mission in a continent riddled with weak institutions and near absence of rule of law. 

For Atedo Peterside, it is no longer about him but future generations. We cannot have an economy that is rigged against the youths, and expert to have a prosperous nation competing in the comity of nations. Increasing insecurity and excruciating economic hardship are as a result of unworking governance structure that is skewed in favour of the few. He is of the notion that we cannot said to be building the future for the youth without building our youth for the future. When land bothers were shut against reason in Nigeria, Atedo Peterside was the only billionaire from the elite class that openly spoke against it. When the foreign exchange crisis began, pushing naira downward spiral of depreciation at the speed of light, he rose in defence of struggling small businesses to speak against it. Even after the controversial elections with widespread violence and disenfranchisement, Atedo Peterside, via ANAP Foundation, criticised the electoral brigandage that took place. I celebrate the advocate of good governance as his marks 68 years of earthly sojourn. Posterity will reward him tremendously. 

Nwobodo writes from Abuja via

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