Inauguration: Chinese Consulate Supports Association, Fosters Bond between Chinese, Nigerians

The Confucius Institute Alumni Association of Nigeria held its inauguration ceremony with the support of the Chinese Consulate-General in Lagos, to foster stronger bonds between Nigerians who have studied in China.

Unveiling the institute’s plaque, Yan Yuqing, the Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China in Lagos, and Efe Shuaibu, President of Confucius Institute Alumni Association of Nigeria, emphasized the importance of cultural exchange and bilateral relations between China and Nigeria.

Yan said: “This is a wonderful event, because members of this association have lived and studied in China, they understand the Chinese history and culture, and especially, they speak Chinese language very well. I believe they can build the bridge in promoting the China-Nigeria relationship and make good cooperation in the future. I’m also glad that many Chinese people and representatives of Chinese enterprises are present, so in the future they can make good cooperation to develop the China-Nigeria mutual relationship and cooperation.”

Shuaibu said: “Our primary goal is to promote friendship and cooperation between Chinese and Nigerian enterprises, and also to foster cultural exchanges and bilateral ties between them. We alsoencourage Nigerians who have studied in China to share their experiences, knowledge and insights with the wider community. Meanwhile, we aim to put forward technical and vocational training, where Chinese expats will train Nigerians who are willing to acquire knowledge and technical skills.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of Confucius Institute at UNILAG, Dr Adetoro Banwo said: “We are here to share ideas and experience of studying in China and the efforts of the Institute in promoting Chinese language through scholarship, teaching, cultural and educational exchanges. We aim to promote bi-lateral relationship and also to share experiences of studying in China and to bring to focus on our experiences of civilization, culture and traditions that we have experienced in China,with the motive of bringing to Nigeria what we have learned in China through science and technology, as well as experiences.”

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