From Oil Rigs to Tech Boards: Ann Ukadike’s Journey to Leadership in Male-dominated industries 

Ann C. Ukadike, Chief Operating Officer at Terragon Group, is a business management expert with over adecade of experience. Her career includes significant roles at Zenith PensionsCustodian (a subsidiary of Zenith Bank Plc), PwC, Deloitte, Nestoil Limited andTerragon, where she has led transformation initiatives and championed diversityand inclusion.Ann shares her journey to leadership in thetech and oil and gas industries in this interview. She also discusses herstrategies for overcoming gender bias in these traditionally male-dominatedfields.

Can you share your journey and experiences that led you to become a thought leader in business management and talent management in the tech industry?

I began my career in the financial services sector before transitioning to PwC, where I specialised in people management consulting. During my time there, I observed a significant gender imbalance: 95 per cent of the companies I consulted for were male-dominated, with women rarely present in leadership roles or key decision-making rooms, particularly in industries like oil and gas and technology. This realisation fueled a quiet determination within me to advocate for change, a mission I could fully embrace once I entered the oil and gas sector.

In this industry, I focused on hiring diverse talent, particularly women, despite facing resistance from hiring managers who had biases against female candidates, citing reasons like potential maternity leave or perceived complaints. I made it my mission to champion these qualified women, ensuring they were hired and fairly compensated.

To overcome scepticism, I led by example, taking on roles and tasks typically reserved for men, including working onboard vessels in challenging environments like Jones Creek, Escravos, and Keremo.

Transitioning to the tech industry, the challenge became more manageable. The sector was more receptive to diversity, and I held a seat at the leadership table at Terragon, where I could directly influence hiring practices. My track record of successfully integrating women into key roles bolstered my efforts, showcasing the exceptional contributions they made. This journey has been about breaking barriers and creating opportunities for talented women in industries where they have traditionally been underrepresented.

What are the biggest challenges women face in tech leadership, and how have you worked to overcome these barriers in your career?

The biggest challenges women face in tech leadership include advancing through the ranks to leadership roles, securing funding as female startup founders, and achieving pay equity with male counterparts. While progress has been made, these barriers persist. Overcoming them requires demonstrating competence, advocating for women, and challenging biases.

In my career, I’ve worked to overcome these challenges by being a role model and advocate. I actively participate in sessions focused on women’s advancement and mentor women, encouraging them to confidently speak about their accomplishments. This is crucial, as men often highlight their achievements more readily, even when their accomplishments are not as substantial.

In 2022, my promotion to COO was influenced by the advocacy of a female board member who recognized my contributions and potential. This experience reinforced the importance of supporting other women. I am committed to providing mentorship and advocating for women in the industry, ensuring they receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve. By fostering a supportive network and actively challenging the status quo, I aim to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for women in tech.

How do you believe tech can catalyse career advancement for women, particularly in leadership roles?

Tech has the potential to be a powerful catalyst for women’s career advancement, particularly in leadership roles. Unlike the Oil and Gas sector, where physical exertion can be a barrier, tech offers a more level playing field where skills and innovation take precedence. The industry can support women by providing more opportunities to lead, including funding for female-led startups, mentorship programs, and clear career pipelines that help women progress into leadership roles.

The evolution of technology, particularly with advancements in AI, has shifted the focus from purely technical skills to a broader range of competencies. This environment allows women to leverage their innate strengths, such as multitasking and emotional intelligence, which are increasingly valuable in roles that require team management and customer relations. Additionally, the rise of Work from Home (WFH) opportunities has enabled women to better balance work and personal responsibilities, making the tech industry an attractive field for career growth.

What key strategies have you implemented to promote diversity and inclusion within tech companies you’ve worked with?

Tech offers a unique platform for career advancement for women, especially in leadership roles. Unlike more physically demanding sectors, tech focuses on skills and innovation, making it an ideal environment for women to excel. Since moving into the tech sector, I have worked as a mentor to women aspiring to leadership positions. I’ve also spearheaded culture integration initiatives across our offices in Nigeria, Kenya, and India, ensuring a cohesive and inclusive work environment.

At Terragon, I led efforts to broaden our diversity focus beyond just gender, encompassing the diversity of thought, background, culture, and geography. This approach fostered a rich network of expertise and enhanced our performance-driven culture. Key initiatives included celebrating International Women’s Day, implementing cultural bias training, promoting diverse working best practices(including remote, hybrid and in-person), and providing leadership education. These efforts cultivated an open, communicative, and empathetic workplace culture, enabling the business to innovate and reach its goals more rapidly.

These initiatives not only advanced our diversity agenda but also led to broader projects and collaborations across departments. My work in these areas contributed to my promotion to Chief Operating Officer (COO) after my first year at Terragon, underscoring the importance of a diverse and inclusive culture in driving business success and personal career growth in the tech sector.

How has your experience with companies like Deloitte and PwC shaped your approach to strategic talent management in tech?

My experience with PwC and Deloitte taught me to view talent management strategies beyond traditional metrics of loyalty and longevity. While retaining talent is valuable, I’ve also come to focus on ensuring that employees have a memorable and enriching experience, even if they stay for a short time. 

This perspective shift was challenging, especially considering the significant investment companies make in recruitment, traditionally expecting long-term commitment in return. However, the landscape has evolved from the era of the baby boomers, who often stayed with one or two companies throughout their careers. Today, talent is more transient, seeking diverse experiences and the best possible opportunities.

Understanding and articulating a compelling talent management value proposition is crucial. At Terragon, we experienced a positive outcome when many of our graduate trainees were recruited by top companies like Google and Meta. This not only highlighted the strength of our talent development programs but also positioned us as an attractive employer, offering valuable experiences that resonated with ambitious professionals.

As a member of the Women in Management, Business & Public Service (WIMBIZ), what role do you believe mentorship and sponsorship play in advancing women in tech leadership roles?

As a member of Women in Management, Business & Public Service (WIMBIZ), I strongly believe that mentorship and sponsorship are pivotal in advancing women in any leadership role, not just tech. Mentorship has been a powerful tool in my career. I’ve been fortunate to have both male and female mentors who have provided invaluable guidance and support, often without an official process. These mentors have helped shape my career by offering advice and insights, enabling me to navigate the complexities of different industries I worked in with confidence.

Sponsorship is equally important, particularly for women, as it provides a level of advocacy that is crucial for career advancement. Sponsors are influential advocates who actively promote and create opportunities for visibility and growth. They help break down systemic barriers, ensuring that women have the support and recognition needed to ascend to leadership positions.

By fostering a culture of mentorship and sponsorship, we can create an ecosystem that empowers women to reach their full potential. This not only enhances individual career trajectories but also enriches the industry with diverse perspectives, driving innovation and inclusive growth.

From your experience leading the deployment and implementation of the Terragon Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS), how can businesses drive new initiatives and execute strategies to address complex business problems in the tech industry?

To effectively drive new initiatives and execute strategies using the Terragon Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS), businesses should integrate and centralize data from various sources to create a unified customer view, leverage advanced analytics for insights into customer behaviour, personalize marketing strategies to enhance engagement, adopt agile methodologies for quick adaptation and iteration, and foster cross-functional collaboration to align marketing, sales, and product strategies, all of which enable addressing complex challenges through comprehensive data insights and improved customer experiences.

This way, businesses can give their customers personalized marketing and engagement experience.

Can you share insights on how you’ve built and led high-performing teams in various environments?

In building and leading high-performing teams across various companies and environments, I focus on creating a foundation of trust and open communication, fostering an inclusive atmosphere where diverse perspectives are valued. Clear goal setting and aligning these with team strengths ensure everyone understands their role and contribution.

I empower team members by providing necessary resources and autonomy, fostering ownership and accountability. Additionally, I emphasize continuous feedback and development, celebrating successes and promoting a culture of learning and resilience. These strategies enable cohesive teams that consistently deliver outstanding results

What are some effective ways to ensure that talent management strategies align with the overall business objectives of tech companies?

Aligning talent management strategies with business objectives in tech companies, as in any other sector, requires a deep understanding of the company’s goals, strategic workforce planning, and a focus on talent development and upskilling. It’s crucial to establish clear performance metrics that link individual, team, and product contributions to overall business outcomes. Additionally, investing in leadership development and succession planning ensures a strong pipeline of future leaders, particularly for the top three levels. Cultivating a culture of innovation, collaboration, and accountability further aligns employees with the company’s vision.

In people management, much time is often spent planning for succession, but in the fast-paced tech industry, it’s more effective to move ready talents into roles and provide coaching. Given the rapid movement of talent, extensive succession planning can be less relevant; instead, we should focus on agility and real-time development. This approach has been instrumental in my experience at Terragon, where we prioritized quick integration of talents into key positions, fostering a dynamic and responsive workforce that aligns with our business objectives.

How do you approach the challenge of talent retention in tech, especially with the competition from prestigious companies like Meta, Google, and Amazon?

In the competitive tech industry, our talent retention strategy focuses on creating an exceptional employee experience rather than just aiming for loyalty and longevity. Given that we can’t always match the salaries of big tech companies, we prioritize meaningful work, continuous growth opportunities, and a vibrant company culture. We emphasize diversity, inclusivity, and open communication, ensuring every voice is heard and respected.

Our robust learning and development programs keep employees ahead of industry trends and enhance their skills. Recognizing and celebrating achievements builds a sense of accomplishment and belonging. Flexibility is another cornerstone of our strategy; offering hybrid work options and adaptable schedules helps employees balance personal and professional lives.

By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we make Terragon an attractive place to work, even against giants like Meta, Google, and Amazon. Our focus on providing a positive and enriching experience not only enhances retention but also turns our employees into ambassadors of our culture and values, regardless of their tenure.12. Can you elaborate on the impact of diversity initiatives you led at Terragon Limited and how they contributed to the company’s success?

What advice would you give to young women aspiring to enter and excel in tech careers?

For young women aspiring to enter and excel in tech careers, my advice is to be bold, curious, and proactive. Start by building a strong foundation in the skills and knowledge relevant to your interests, whether it’s software engineering, data analytics, product management, people management or any other area. Don’t be afraid to explore different aspects of the tech industry to find your passion.

Seek out mentors and role models who can offer guidance and support. Networking is crucial; connect with professionals in the field through events, online communities, affinity groups and organizations like Women in Tech or WIMBIZ. These connections can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable insights into navigating the industry. Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. The tech industry evolves rapidly, so continuous learning and adaptability are key to staying ahead. Don’t shy away from roles or projects that push you out of your comfort zone; they often lead to the most significant growth and career advancement.

Lastly, advocate for yourself and others. Speak up about your achievements and contributions and support other women in any industry. Building a strong network of allies and supporters can be instrumental in your career development. Remember, your unique perspective and skills are valuable assets in the tech world. Stay confident, and never stop learning and innovating.

How do you balance the technical and interpersonal aspects of leadership in the tech industry?

Balancing the technical and interpersonal aspects of leadership in the tech industry, especially without a traditional technical background, involves leveraging strengths in learning, adaptability, and communication. While my expertise wasn’t initially rooted in technical skills, I immersed myself to learn about the areas I was passionate about such as product management, partnerships, and revenue management. This hands-on experience allowed me to gain a solid understanding of relevant landscapes, which is crucial for making informed decisions and supporting my team.

On the interpersonal side, I prioritize building strong relationships and fostering a collaborative team culture. Effective communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence are key to understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of team members. By being approachable and supportive, I create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

In this balancing act, I rely on my team’s technical expertise while contributing my strengths in strategic thinking, problem-solving, and team building. By continually learning and adapting, I bridge the gap between technical requirements and people management, ensuring that both aspects are aligned with the overall business objectives. This holistic approach helps drive innovation and achieve success in a fast-paced industry.

What future trends do you see in tech and talent management, and how should organizations prepare for them?

In tech and talent management, several key trends are emerging. One major trend is the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, encompassing not only gender but also diversity of thought, background, and culture. Organizations should prioritize creating inclusive environments and actively seek to diversify their talent pools, as diverse teams drive innovation and better decision-making.

Another trend is the integration of GenAI and automation in various processes which will change the nature of many roles. Organizations should provide training in new technologies and focus on developing human-centric skills like creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, which would complement GenAI and automation.

There is also a growing focus on skills over traditional qualifications. With rapid technological advancements, there is a shift towards hiring based on skills and competencies rather than degrees alone. Companies have started to hire tech talents who do not have a degree but can solve software development problems. There is also the rise of remote work and flexible working arrangements which is transforming talent management rapidly. Companies must develop robust policies, invest in digital collaboration tools, and maintain a strong company culture, even in a virtual/hybrid setting. Talents may go back to the office, but I do not believe it will be the same as pre-covid, as 10 years of evolution got rapidly transformed in 2 years because of Covid.

Finally, there will be a greater focus on employee well-being and mental health. Companies should implement programs that support the holistic well-being of their employees, recognizing that a healthy and balanced workforce is key to sustained productivity and engagement.

Organizations should embrace a flexible, forward-thinking approach, continuously adapt to changing dynamics, and prioritize creating a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters growth and innovation.

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