My mother inspired my Humanitarian Foundation – Okafor Chinedu Emmanuel

Okafor Chinedu Emmanuel, a seasoned Nigerian businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist has recounted how his mother became instrumental to his humanitarian foundation. He is not just a cheerful giver but a serial entrepreneur who has turned his companies into premium brands.

Speaking about how the idea of reaching out to the needy came about, he said, “This is an idea that emanated from my mother. She is a kind of woman who would not be happy to see her next door neighbour go hungry. I watch her sometimes when I was growing up as boy, package some food items which she gives to her neighbours even when there is not enough food in the house. She does it often and yet takes pleasure in doing it. Those are some of her legacy that inspired what I am replicating today in the society. In life, there is a need to make a change and always think of how to impact someone because this is the essence of human existence. No man is an island and people around you make a society. If they are happy, you are happy. If they are not, you won’t be happy alone.”

For him the core targets are specified to include indigent people in the society that cannot afford basic and meaningful livelihood. Enlightening further he noted, “Our core targets are the widows and indigents who cannot afford to cater for themselves adequately, especially education funding and other means of livelihood. What we do is to gather information about their background and other vital information that authenticate the truth in their stories before enlisting them for help. About 6000 people have benefited from our programme for now and our target is to reach as many people as we can without count. Obviously, many people are in need and if we base it on counting, we may be derailed. So, we pick a small number per outreach and plan to reach more as the programme progresses.

“We have made tremendous impacts and these shows by the response we get from people. The reactions have been encouraging but to me, that does not really count because we are not doing it for feedback sake. That does not mean we don’t appreciate such, but it however inspires our objectives to create more programmes for the needy people.”

It would be recalled that Okafor Chinedu Emmanuel was one of the recipients of the humanitarian awards held recently in Anambra State by Newsland Integrated Media Service (NIMS). He was among other eminent personalities showered with the prestigious honour on his laudable impact towards humanity. What’s more, among the ranks of young and rising business figures in the country, the Anambra State Indegene has been as constant as the northern star in terms of prominence in the past few years.

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