Bootlicking Putin Will Not Solve Africa’s Problems


By Reno Omokri

Africa as a continent is only poor because we do not yet prorogued the rule of law above the rule of the big man. Especially sub-Saharan Africa. And money is a coward. Where it sees that the rule of law is a casualty to vested interests, it will japa faster than you can say Jsson.

That is why the highest ranking countries on the United Nations Human Development Index are all countries where the rule of law is respected, and the poorest nations in that ranking are all, without exception, nations where the rule of law is not yet firmly established.

And funny enough, even the leaders and elite of those countries at the bottom rung of the HDI index do not want to keep their monies in their counties. That is why every year, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, about a trillion dollars is paid in bribes and kickbacks that leave the developing world for the Western hemisphere.

And the reason for this is the weakness of the rule of law in developing countries.

Take Singapore. The reason that poorly resourced Island, which cannot even feed itself, is so rich, and has the world’s strongest passport, according to the 2023 Henley Passport Index, is because she is a very strong and stable defender of the rule of law.

And so strong are they in upholding the rule of law that other countries, like the Maldives, have passed laws to the effect that any commercial legal disputes in their nations are to be settled in accordance with the laws operating in Singapore.

So, just by maintaining the rule of law, Singapore has expanded its wealth and influence by a factor of 1000% in less than a generation.

Let this be a message to Africa. We do not have to hold on to this pipe dream that we have a saviour somewhere out there who is going to save our continent and its people.

We are more than capable of saving ourselves if we save the rule of law in our continent.

We do not even have to impose severe punishments for corruption. If you study the history of the rule of law, what you will find over the last hundred years since A.V. Dicey clearly demarcated the rule of law standard, is that the certainty of punishment is more important than the severity of the punishment.

According to Dicey, “no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament.”

African countries must remove the word ‘England’ and insert the word ‘Africa’ and our continent will be alright.

I see African leaders attending the Africa-Russia summit, Africa-French summit, the Africa-UK summit, or the Africa-China summit. First of all, these summits never hold in Africa. They are always held outside the continent. Why should the leaders of a continent with 54 countries travel to Europe or Asia for a summit with one leader? Does it not make better economic sense for that one leader, be it Putin, Macron, or Xi Jinping, to travel to Africa?

But, of course, it is not about what is right, proper or convenient. It is about power. To subdue African leaders. To assert dominance over them.

That is why these summits, sadly, consist of African leaders kowtowing to White saviours.

I mean, look at how the President of Comoros, Azali Assoumani, was grovelling to Putin on video over sitting arrangements and protocol. So disgusting!

Look at the attached photograph. Just see the messaging that is communicated by Putin’s hand gesture.

And after going to such extents to suck up to Putin, African leaders left Moscow with neither a grain deal nor a peace agreement. What was the essence of the trip?

Look, African Americans in the USA have a combined wealth that is more than that of the collective GDP of sub-Saharan African nations. And then Africans in the diaspora send more money back home to Africa than the World Bank and the IMF combined.

If Africa really wants to improve its economy, the summit we should be having is a world Black African summit, for example, to unite the Black diaspora.

We should collaborate with the US Congressional Black Summit and deliberate on how African Americans and Caribbean Blacks can reconnect with Africa, just as the Jewish diaspora is connected to Israel. We should be looking at a right of return to Africa for all Blacks, whereby if you can trace your DNA to any African country, you should be legally entitled to a passport, just as Israel does for the global Jewry.

Only by uniting the global Black race can we have the type of financial and technological transfer, as well as the reverse brain drain that Africa needs to develop.

Russia, the West, China and other powers would not do it for us. Helping us become a rival economic and military power to them goes against human nature, which seeks its own self-interest.

Conversely, it is in the interest of the African American and Caribbean Blacks for Africa to succeed. And that is where we should be directing our diplomatic efforts to.

When our leaders go to Russia to bootlick Putin, as they did last week, and then return home to condemn the coup in Niger Republic, they are behaving like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, because it is quite clear where support for that coup or going from. And if our leaders do not know that, then it is quite unfortunate.

And then there are those who celebrated that Putin gave our leaders limousines to ride in while the British bussed them all together in one big coach. Are we that shallow as a people? Are cars Africa’s problem? If they are, then I invite those ‘Yessa Massa’ so called leaders to Nnewi in Nigeria, where an African like them manufactures entirely made in Nigeria cars. If they want them in limousine format, complete with bulletproof, IVM motors can do it. They do not have to go to Russia to enjoy luxury vehicles.

On January 11, 1976, the late General Murtala Ramat Muhammed addressed the heads of state and government of the then Organisation for African Unity (now the African Union) and said, “Africa has come of age”. Seven years later this looked to be true when God gave us a leader like Thomas Sankara.

If only both of them could see how their successor African leaders went a-grovelling in Russia in 2023. Murtala would not have been content to roll in his grave. He would have resurrected to give them a taste of his legendary anger and some feisty brain and destiny setting slaps. Leaders that can be bought for the price of a luxury car, are those leaders?

Are those celebrating Africans even aware that Western leaders are also bussed together during the G-7 summits? Many of those same Western leaders either walk or bike to work. An example is the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte. And in 2023, we are celebrating cars as if we have never seen them before.

Alas, too many of us Black Africans are easily carried away by tokenism. And the rest of the world knows that about us. Which is why it is so easy to manipulate us by making empty gestures, such as a short ride in a limousine that was probably bugged.

Reno’s Nuggets

The reason Michael Jackson’s albums were so phenomenally successful is because he perfected the strategy of using absence to build anticipation. He would stay out of the public eye for years. No interviews, no tours, no sightings. Then when the anticipation has reached fever pitch, boom, he releases an album! When you notice that people start taking you for granted and disrespecting you, it is likely because you have made yourself too present for them. Napoleon Bonaparte said, “If I am often seen at the theatre, people will cease to notice me”. Use absence more than you use presence. Long time no see is better than ‘Oh, it’s you again’. Be conscious of where you go. People treat friends and family like they treat money. The more they see money, the less they value it. The less they see moolah, the more they value it!

Reno Omokri

Gospeller. Deep Thinker. #TableShaker. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Globetrotter. Hollywood Magazine Humanitarian of the Year, 2019. Business Insider Influencer of the Year 2022.


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