How eSports Gaming Is Levelling the Playing Field for Developing Countries

The world of video gaming is a fascinating one and with the rate of technological innovation at the moment, it is only set to become even more fascinating in the coming years. Already the world of online gaming has enabled some people to find a platform to show off their skills globally. It’s exciting to look at how these people are managing to change their own careers, but it can also be inspiring to those of us looking to do the same, or indeed create something similar on a much larger scale. Here are some of the opportunities that eSports gaming is providing for those in developing countries.

New Social Connections
One of the most novel ways that eSports gaming is helping those from developing countries to better their own situation is by connecting them with other people all over the world. These connections can help them to improve language skills, through communicating in a language other than their own. Multilingual people are generally paid up to 20% more than their single-language counterparts, meaning that these conversations in the gaming circle could lead to better job prospects if the skills are built upon.

As well as this, regularly communicating with people from outside of your usual social bubble is important for the development of empathy and critical thinking skills. Many great friendships are formed over bonds developed in video gaming. Having a wide circle of friends that includes people from other cultures can help to build tolerance and empathy, key traits that set people up for a successful career.

A Platform For Great Brains

As well as teaching players new skills, the gaming industry also provides a platform for those players to show them off. The world of online poker is a classic example, where tournaments are held that have no entry requirements regarding location. Someone who was playing in Michigan online poker tournaments could come up against somebody playing in India as there are no hurdles such as flights, hotels, or other financial strains to overcome. As long as both players have earned the right to play in the tournament, then they both can.

This is also evident in the world of eSports, where players from developing countries compete with great success at a global level. Reaching the top tiers of eSports gaming requires immense dedication, with many people practising as much as forty hours per week. The only barrier for those in developing countries, beyond skills and determination, is access to a good wifi connection.

New Economic Opportunities

Whilst eSports is providing a brilliant platform for individuals to show off their skills, there’s potential beyond what individuals can achieve. The gaming industry is enormous and there’s potential for developing countries to establish themselves as key players in this market.

Whilst it’s certain that some countries have had a head start, thanks to the freedom of information around gaming technologies, it is still entirely possible for game studios to be set up in developing countries. These can provide employment opportunities for people locally and in turn provide revenue via taxation for the countries in which they exist. Whilst individuals are already profiting from the globalization of gaming, bigger steps need to be taken in order for entire populations to benefit in the same way.

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