Cloud Network Foundation Celebrates NCC’s Director, Muoka

Emma Okonji

Cloud Network Foundation, last week, celebrated Mr. Reuben Muoka for his appointment as Director, Public Affairs of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), and for his contributions to the growth of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry.

Muoka was appointed Director of Public Affairs at the NCC in June 2022, after serving as Assistant Director in the department of Public Affairs of NCC. After spending some years in Public Affairs Department of NCC, he was posted to Human Resources Department of the NCC, before he was redeployed to Public Affairs Department and was made the director in charge of public affairs of the NCC.   

According to the foundation, Muoka became the first to be celebrated, having been a member of the journalist profession before joining NCC.

Chairman, Cloud Network Foundation, Mr. Abimbola Toki, in his welcome address, said the celebration became necessary because it has become expedient to celebrate people for their achievements, while still in active service.   

“We celebrate Muoka today for his achievements in the media industry. 

In the early 1990s he pioneered ICT reporting in the media, when he started writing about ICT and the Alpha Numeric Pager in the Vanguard Newspapers. He has garnered a lot of experiences in ICT journalism, and the celebration is in recognition of his achievements in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) journalism,” Toki said.  “I feel honoured to be celebrated for being a journalist. Although ICT reporting has never being an easy task, but some of us were able to make it an interesting beat to report. As a reporter in Vanguard, my team of ICT reporters was able to attract a lot of interviews for Vanguard Newspapers where we worked, and I did a lot of investigative journalism, while in Vanguard Newspapers. After breaking stories that usually hurt some people, I will be on the run for fear of arrest, which was very rampant in my days of journalism. I feel elated that I am being celebrated because I couldn’t have written my testimonials more than what have been said by members of the foundation at this celebration,” Muoka said.  

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