Ahmed Kuru Getting Better

The agencies associated with financial regulations in Nigeria can be said to be doing a good job. Among them, the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) has made significant contributions to Nigeria’s economy in recent times, allowing it to be recognized by the federal government as a great asset. But all of this is because of the work of its MD, Ahmed Kunu.

Kunu is undoubtedly one of the most dreaded names among the big debtors in Nigeria. Renowned for his acumen at all things corporate, Kunu has helped to restructure the image of AMCON in Nigeria. Currently, he has helped the debtor-engaging agency ascend to new heights, competing with agencies like the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) on fairness and financial trust.

Only a few days ago, Kunu revealed that AMCON has recovered over N1.6 trillion from debtors in Nigeria. Some of these recovered funds are in the form of cash payments, while others are assets that have been sold or are awaiting sale. The main reason for the success of the agency is the systematic approach that Kunu has started to employ to bring debtors and obligors to justice.

According to Kunu, AMCON now uses flexible methods to unravel the schemes of obligors. Partnering with the judicial arm of government in Nigeria, Kunu has found it easier to enforce the recovery of funds. At a time when the country is being listed as debt-loving among its peers, one can say that Kunu is helping to change the narrative.

With people like Kunu putting in their best, Nigeria’s fortunes are bound to change. With the funds recovered from AMCON’s exertions, the federal government can accomplish a lot of things. Thus, it is only a matter of time before the citizens of the nation begin to experience favourable economic upheavals.

Ultimately, the work of Kunu might seem small, but it is helping to reduce the shame that Nigerians have from owing so much money to international organisations. Indeed, Kunu is getting better and the expectations of ordinary Nigerians are becoming more optimistic as a result.

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