Building Skilled Workforce Is Key to Unlocking Deep Water Potential – Expert

Tosin Clegg

Prince Nwocha, a seasoned Oil and Gas Expert with over two decades of industry experience, has highlighted the critical need to address workforce skills gaps in deep water operations.

He noted that the specialized nature of deep water exploration and production demands a highly skilled workforce, yet finding and retaining professionals with the necessary expertise remains a significant challenge.

Nwocha in a statement asserts that the global demand for skilled professionals in deep water operations outstripped supply by nearly 20% as of 2022, highlighting a critical skills gap that could impact the industry’s growth.

“In Nigeria, the challenges are particularly acute, with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) facing difficulties in staffing deep water projects due to a shortage of skilled professionals in subsea engineering and advanced drilling.”

He further explained that to bridge this gap, NNPC partnered with local universities to develop specialized training programs, resulting in a 25% increase in the hiring of locally trained talent. This initiative he noted has significantly improved project timelines and reduced reliance on foreign expertise.

“Offering competitive compensation packages and fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development are also essential strategies for attracting and retaining top talent,” Nwocha said.

Nwocha said in Nigeria, initiatives focused on continuous learning have led to a 35% increase in employee engagement, contributing to the overall success of deep water operations.

Addressing workforce skills gaps in deep water operations is a strategic imperative for companies aiming to thrive. The expert noted.

“By investing in targeted training, forming educational partnerships, and fostering a learning culture, organizations can secure the skilled talent necessary for sustained success in deep water exploration and production.” He mentioned.

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