Tackling Exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies through Innovation 

Chiemelie Ezeobi 

To tackle the impediment of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) that cause cell and tissue damage in human body, QNET, a leading wellness and lifestyle company, has introduced its latest innovative products into Nigeria. 

Some of the latest products include the Chi Pendant 4, an innovative wearable health technology that incorporates universally appealing visual design and energy-transforming properties.

Others include QNET’s Bio light 3 and the Bio Disc 3, which are also body enhancing products that had undergone rigorous scientific tests.

According to Vice Chancellor, Covenant University, Prof. Abiodun Adebayo, such 

exposure to wifi and other electromagnetic frequencies can cause DNA defragmentation in sperm cells and slow sperm motility. 

Speaking at the media workshop organised in Lagos by QNET recently, the vice chancellor said the heat emitted from laptops could kill sperm cells outrightly, which negatively affects male fertility.

He further noted that the human body was being put under severe pressure from constant exposure to harmful EMFs from electronic devices which have become indispensable in today’s digital world.

Buttressing, he said studies have shown that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm and testicular damage, while explaining that oxidative stress was an imbalance of antioxidants in the body, which could lead to cell and tissue damage.

For the men, he said “most of us especially men are fond of putting phones in the pockets, not knowing the excessive damage it causes in the area of male fertility. Some of us also sleep with our phones on the bed not knowing the amount of radiation that these devices generate and how dangerous they are to our health.”

The Biochemistry Professor said it was important to maintain distance from wifi for the safety of humans even though  mobile phones and wireless technology have become an integral part of modern communication.

It is not surprising that a greater percentage of adults experience stress, headache, tiredness and sleeping problems due to exposure to EMF, which is harmful. 

Also speaking, QNET Product Specialist, Energy, Dr. Shafi Shaik, said such exposure  could lead to depleted and inconsistent energy levels, low mood, anxiety, depression and low immunity. 

He further revealed that one in every four workers suffered burnout due to exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones, 5G masts and wireless routers, among others. 

While noting that humans had become increasingly dependent on wireless technologies to assist in their everyday lives, he revealed that 10 years ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of World Health Organisation (WHO) designated cell phones as a possible human carcinogen.

They found evidence of an increase in glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer as a result of radiation from mobile phone research. 

He said: ” We are energy beings. We are sensitive to energy from other living beings, the earth, the sun, and from our technology. A research conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2019 showed that 75 per cent of adults report symptoms of stress, including headache, tiredness, or sleeping problems.

“Chronic stress is the silent killer because it lowers resistance to diseases, causes anxiety and depression, eating disorders, decreased mood, reduced mental and physical performance, fatigue, accelerated aging, development of unhealthy lifestyle habits and reduced sex drive.”

On the Chi Pendant 4, he said it was 

in q bid to protect humans from harmful energy that QNET launched the Chi Pendant 4, an innovative wearable health technology that maintains specific frequencies, as well as “harmonising, balancing the wearer’s biofield (energy field), promoting whole-body health and optimal performance for today’s busy lifestyle.

He said: “The Pendant acts as an energy carrier, to encourage and reinforce similar beneficial energies in the wearer’s body.

” As a result, the body is empowered to perform, with resilience to stressors in the atmosphere and in daily life and recommended for people who have multiple wireless technologies, like wifi routers, smart home system, Bluetooth-enabled devices etc. 

“It is also recommended for people who spend time in a place of work where there are multiple computers and tablets; frequently using phone, tablet or gaming console and having 5G infrastructure in your local area.”

Also, QNET’s regional manager, Sub-Saharan Africa, Mr Biram Fall, said in compliance with the company’s zero tolerance for fraudulent acts, it would maintain an open door policy with journalists, as well as ensure “ethical standards of our workers and distributors.

He said: “We have instituted strict regulations with processes to safeguard customers from illegal and fraudulent behavior.”

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