From Passion to Profession: Unveiling the Journey of a Transformative Media Entrepreneur

Peace Osayuwamen Saleh, the Creative Director of Parallax Consulting Ltd aims to create positive change and touch lives through captivating and enjoyable means. In an insightful interview with THISDAY, she delves into her journey in the realm of media entrepreneurship, where she employs the power of storytelling to disseminate conscious content and bridge knowledge gaps.

Can you share your journey as a media entrepreneur and your interest in transformative education?

My journey into the world of media entrepreneurship is quite unique. Instead of me actively seeking it out, I would say that the media business found me; It all started with my passion for transformative education. This passion grew as I worked with children, both as a volunteer at The Real Woman Foundation on their For Girls Only project, and eventually establishing my own NGO.

Through these experiences, I realized the immense power of information. On the For Girls Only project, I taught children how to make responsible choices and focus on options that empower them. The impact was clear, and it became evident that information could lead to positive change. This perspective led me to embrace transformative education as a core aspect of my work.

What inspired you to emphasize information dissemination in your work?

My inspiration to focus on information dissemination stems from my belief in the transformative potential of knowledge. Reflecting on my childhood experiences, I recalled how sharing information led to positive changes.

For instance, when I shared knowledge with children in my neighborhood, they started attending school and their lives improved. This showed me the tremendous power that targeted information can have. As a transformative educator, I am compelled to share valuable insights that can elevate individuals’ status and contribute to their growth. This conviction has guided my media endeavors, where I aim to leverage the power of storytelling to spread conscious content and effect positive change.

How do you define transformative education and its significance today?

Transformative education, to me, involves purposefully sharing information to catalyze change and growth. It’s not just about knowing something, but also about applying that knowledge to improve oneself. In today’s world, where information is readily available, transformative education is crucial. It bridges the gap between those who have access to knowledge and those who do not. This knowledge discrepancy often determines success, as applying information can lead to remarkable outcomes. Media, when used effectively, becomes a bridge to close this gap, resulting in a global upgrade of minds and, ultimately, a better world.

What challenges do you perceive in the education system, and how do your initiatives address them?

The education sector faces challenges, including underfunding and the need for revitalization. To address these, our approach focuses on making education more appealing and relevant. We advocate for transformative education that goes beyond academics. By empowering young minds to think critically and fostering social responsibility, we aim to inspire a new generation of thinkers. The education system needs intentional funding to attract the brightest minds as educators. Our initiatives, such as the OSFI Board Games Tournament and Chess in Slums Africa, reframe education using innovative tools, making learning attractive and impactful in today’s rapidly changing world.

Could you provide an example of how transformative education has positively impacted individuals or communities?

A powerful example is the Chess in Slums Africa initiative, which uses chess to stimulate cognition and empower children in impoverished communities. Such initiatives offer informal education that nurtures intellectual and social development in underprivileged children. The impact is profound and often incalculable, as influencing even one mind can set off a chain reaction. Our OSFI Board Games Tournament similarly instills hope and confidence in children from humble backgrounds, showcasing the potential of their intellect to change their lives. These initiatives demonstrate the transformative power of education beyond traditional methods.

How does the media contribute to promoting transformative education?

Media plays a pivotal role in promoting transformative education by influencing mindsets and perceptions. It can reshape the narrative around education, highlighting the significance of intellectual achievements.

Just as entertainers are celebrated, intellectuals should also be recognized as superstars. Media has the ability to amplify the achievements of bright minds, creating a platform for their voices to be heard. By showcasing the success stories of transformative education, the media encourages a culture of learning, growth, and empowerment.

How do you ensure the accuracy and accessibility of the information you share through the media?

Leveraging social media platforms, we make sure our content is easily accessible to a wide audience. To ensure accuracy, we collaborate with subject matter experts and use fact-checking tools when needed.

While social media enables widespread dissemination, we also partner with established media outlets with broad reach. This dual approach helps ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information we share, enhancing the impact of our transformative education efforts.

What drives your commitment to spreading transformative education through the media?

My passion is fueled by my belief that a transformed mind opens endless opportunities. I’ve personally experienced how upgrading one’s mindset can lead to success. By sharing transformative information, I hope to elevate others’ lives as well. I’ve witnessed transformations in individuals and communities, and I’m driven to empower more people. The principles of success are universal, and my goal is to bridge the knowledge gap. Through media, I can disseminate valuable information, change mindsets, and create a better world. I’m excited to expand my impact by launching courses and resources to support aspiring media entrepreneurs and individuals seeking personal growth.

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