Jobberman, Partners EbonyLife Academy to Engage Content Creators

Jobberman Nigeria has announced a first-of-its-kind short-film competition for content creators in Nigeria to capture key findings in its latest How Young People Survive without Jobs report.

Announced in partnership with EbonyLife Creative Academy (ELCA), an institution that offers world-class courses for filmmakers, winners of the competition will receive up to N2 million in cinematography equipment – Sony a6400 4K Mirrorless Cameras, Sony ZV-E10 Mirrorless Camera – and videography master classes at ELCA.

Participating content creators will be required to create a 3-5 minutes short film that captures key findings from Jobberman’s How Young People Survive without Jobs report, published in partnership with the MasterCard Foundation.

Speaking on the competition and its expected impact on youths, Jobberman Nigeria CEO, Oreoluwa Boboye said, “We are especially passionate about young people in Nigeria, and we believe this is an opportunity for them to creatively speak about their experience with youth unemployment.

“But more than sharing experiences, the competition is one of our strategies to engage youths in the creative sector – one of the focal sectors for MasterCard Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy.”

The content creators’ competition is in partnership with the MasterCard Foundation as part of its Young Africa Works strategy. The goal of the Young Africa Works strategy is to create economic opportunities for 10 million young Nigerians, particularly women, to enable access to dignified and fulfilling work, especially in the creative sector and digital economy. 

Young creators will be required to create a socially conscious film that masterfully blends entertainment and the stark realities of Nigeria’s unemployed youths.

The film could be a comedy, documentary, or any other scripted format. Using real or fictional characters, short-film entries are required to highlight key issues addressed in the report, including:

Less than 1% of unemployed youths receive support from government and religious organisations

60% of unemployed youths in the North East have been without work for at least 3 years

According to the Head of The EbonyLife Creative Academy – Drikus Volschenk: “Opportunities for newly trained Alumni students at any given institution across the globe are very rare but this incredibly valuable and unique partnership with Jobberman, creates a creative chance of a lifetime: to apply what you studied within a group of people that you know and understand. This is how you change an industry.”

A judging panel from ELCA will select the most promising and brilliantly executed films. The top 10 entrants will proceed to the next phase of the competition, where three contestants will emerge as the overall winners of the competition.

The top 10 participants would be part of a Sony demo workshop that will include practical sessions on the Sony FX 30 and FX 6. This is tentatively scheduled for the 26th of August at the ELCA campus.

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

Overall Winner – Sony a6400 4K Mirrorless Camera with 18-105mm lens plus Sony Bag Runner up -Sony a6400 4K Mirrorless Camera with 16-50MM lens

1st Runner Up – Sony ZV-E10 Mirrorless Camera with 16-50mm Lens

Interested participants are to post their video entries on their social media pages using #JobbermanELCAShortFilm and #JobbermanxELCA. 

All entries must be published by August 24, 2023. 

To download the Jobberman How Young People Survive without Jobs report and for more information, please visit the EbonyLife Creative Academy website. 

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