Pastor Taiwo Odukoya: The Beautiful Ones are Leaving

It was Duchess that asked me to buy eggs and milo on my way back from work. So, as I no want another indefinite suspension from the other room, I reached out to ask for the list again. She came on the line in tears. I asked what happened, please my “power failure” is temporary, it will come back I said. She responded, “Pastor Taiwo is gone.” “Oh my God,” was all I could say.

What kind of world is this, I muttered as I drove home that night in tears. This man was the biblical Job. The devil had thrown a lot his way. His wives and twin sister and now him? I tried to console myself with the usual, “he has gone to rest” but the questions kept coming? Why him, why would God allow such calamity to befall one man, was this not too much for his family and church to take? Would this not question their faith?

See as we all stood so helplessly as the wicked winds of life hit just this one man. It was like we just stood in a gallery watching him being pelted by the rotten tomatoes of life without as much as lifting a hand to help. But then again, what could we have done? Would we have been able to stop the Sosoliso plane from crashing? That was the start of the wicked queue. Would we have been able to stop the cancer that took his beautiful South African wife-Nomthi or even stop the illness that took his very quiet twin sister and finally stop whatever illness that finally took him?

All I have been able to come up with in this tragedy is that – the beautiful ones always leave early. If that is enough consolation, I do not know, I swear. My prayer is that whatever this is, it should end with Pastor Taiwo who I believe has gone home to rest and that God should protect his orphaned children and enable them to live the lives of saints.

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