…Infantino Hails Transformation Women’s World Cup

FIFA President, Gianni Infantino has said that the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 has transformed the face of women’s football and appealed to governments, member associations, broadcasters and media to help keep the momentum going towards equality once the tournament ends tomorrow.

Speaking at the opening of the Second FIFA Women’s Football Convention in Sydney, the FIFA President thanked Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand for co-hosting “simply the best and greatest and biggest FIFA Women’s World Cup ever”.

“This FIFA Women’s World Cup has been truly transformational, not only in Australia and New Zealand but all over the world,” he said. “In the host countries, we had almost two million spectators in the stadiums -full houses everywhere and two billion watching all over the world and not just watching their own country but watching the World Cup, because it’s an event (where) I don’t just watch my team. It’s great sport, it’s entertaining and people love it.”

“We have to thank and congratulate Australia and New Zealand because without them this would not have been as magical.”

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