TAF Needs Strategic Partners to Make More Impact

Jeffrey Adebayo, co-founder of Tamilore Areola Foundation (TAF), a charity-focused entity, speaks to THISDAY on what has been achieved in the organisation’s two years of existence and ways of sustainability 

What inspired the establishment of TAF, its inclination towards charity, entrepreneurship and healthcare?

The creation of TAF finds its origin in the profound life of Tamilore Areola herself. TAF’s mission, encompassing charity, entrepreneurship, and healthcare is a direct reflection of the values she embodied. Tamilore’s legacy is one of selflessness and impactful action. She touched lives through her acts of giving, knowledge sharing, and compassionate care. In establishing TAF, we endeavor to carry forward this legacy, guided by her strong faith and the principles she held dear. Our vision is fueled by a deep commitment to service and compassion, echoing Tamilore’s extraordinary ability to transform lives. Our mission resonates with her actions: to replicate her impact through our focus on charity, entrepreneurship, and healthcare. In essence, TAF stands as a tribute to Tamilore’s remarkable life, striving to create a legacy of positive change that mirrors the values she held so dearly.

In specific terms, what are the major achievements of TAF since its inception two years ago?

We have had quite an impactful journey. Through its charity pillar, TAF initiated its community outreach activities on Tamilore’s posthumous birthday, including feeding and gifting over 600 individuals in the Oworonshoki Community, Lagos, on 10 January 2022. One of the ways we operate is through partnerships and collaborations. In January, TAF collaborated with The Solid Teens and Youth Initiatives to extend support to the Children’s Correctional Centre in Mushin, Lagos. This effort included providing food, clothing, books, and other essential items. Four teenagers from the center are set to attend the annual nine-day Solid Teens camp this month. Under the entrepreneurship pillar, TAF organised diverse capacity-building workshops. Notably, a workshop held on 25 March 2022, which saw two participants receive grants of N100,000.00 each for their outstanding business proposals. A two-day fashion workshop in June 2022 facilitated industry insights for participants, with two exceptional individuals receiving sponsorship for a three-month course at a prominent Lagos fashion house.

Also, TAF’s Communications Drill, in November 2022, introduced young business owners to brand marketing and storytelling. Notably, two participants received scholarships for a masterclass with a renowned communications expert. TAF’s “Startup to Scaleup,” organized in April 2023, targeted startup entrepreneurs seeking upscaling guidance. The event featured sessions on ethical scaling and social media marketing, with two participants receiving business grants of N100,000.00 each. Isinmi, TAF’s healthcare arm, provided N1million support to a 25-year-old cancer patient. The initiative also emphasized emotional support, reflecting Tamilore’s dedication to improved healthcare in Nigeria. In over two years, TAF’s partnerships with donors, volunteers, industry experts, Solid Teens and Youth Initiatives resulted in notable strides in impacting budding entrepreneurs, underprivileged communities and the infirm.

 ISINMI’s focus is commendable. What is the process of identifying cancer patients to be assisted and how do you plan to expand this aspect of TAF’s work?

We actively engage diverse partners from various fields, including medical professionals, academics, and beyond. This collaborative approach amplifies the impact of our heartfelt project, bringing together a multidisciplinary team committed to our shared vision. The selection process for beneficiaries is thorough and compassionate. We meticulously assess entries, ensuring candidates align with our criteria—cancer patients aged 25 and below.

Equally important, our values guide us. We extend our support beyond finances, reaching out to encompass their families, and creating a comprehensive network of care and assistance. As we envision expansion, our goals are resolute. Our past budget, while impactful, could only cover a single round of treatment. Looking ahead, we aim to bolster our budget, enabling us to provide comprehensive coverage for entire treatment regimens. This expansion is pivotal, allowing us to extend our reach to more patients in need and touching even more lives in our unwavering commitment to creating positive change.

What challenges does TAF face?

Resource constraints have not deterred us.  Instead, they motivate us to broaden our impact. While individual donors have fueled our progress, we aspire to welcome corporate partnerships to ensure sustainability and broaden our reach. Corporate engagement is a goal, but its pursuit has its own hurdles. With limited corporate involvement, the full potential of our initiatives remains untapped. Collaborating with like-minded entities will amplify our impact and enable us to touch more lives. Despite our successes, there’s room to grow. As we expand our network, resource limitations sometimes challenge our ambitions. Efficiency remains paramount. Balancing resources and impact are key to executing our mission effectively.

How can individuals and organizations interested in supporting TAF’s mission get involved?

Individuals can volunteer their time and also make donations. Corporate organizations are potential strategic partners. We’ve been fortunate to collaborate with partners in the past, and now, we’re seeking more like-minded collaborators to amplify our impact. Your contribution, whether as a volunteer, donor, or strategic partner, holds immense potential to drive positive change through TAF’s initiatives.

What inspired the idea for the Charity Golf tournament?

The idea for the Charity Golf Tournament draws its inspiration from Tamilore’s personal connection with golf and the Ikeja Golf Club. In her formative years, Tamilore actively participated in golf, and her father’s involvement in the Ikeja Golf Club community fostered numerous friendships. Notably, golfers played a significant role during TAF’s launch two years ago. This resonates deeply with our belief that the Charity Golf Tournament provides an ideal platform for presenting the foundation’s initiatives.

Looking beyond the event, how does TAF plan to ensure the sustainability and continuity of its programmes in the years ahead?

Beyond the event, TAF is dedicated to securing the lasting sustainability of its programs in the coming years. We’ve meticulously outlined a roadmap encompassing immediate, medium, and long-term initiatives across all areas. Our commitment to this plan is unwavering. In line with this, we’re enhancing our organizational structure by augmenting the number of program officers. This strategic move is geared towards specialization in mobilization and implementation, ensuring that our programs are carried out effectively. Sustainability is more than a word to us; it’s our guiding principle. By adhering to our roadmap and strengthening our team, TAF is poised to secure the continued impact and growth of its programs well into the future.

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