GEF 7th Assembly Begins in Canada, Salisu Schedule to Speak

Bennett Oghifo

The Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) began in Vancouver, Canada yesterday – August 22-26-  and Nigeria’s activities to combat and mitigate the impact of climate change will be presented by the Director General, National Council on Climate Change (NCCC), Dr. Dahiru Salisu, who is one of the speakers at the GEF meeting.

Environmental leaders from 185 countries are expected at this seventh assembly and speakers have been selected from these countries. It will bring together ministers, government officials, business leaders, environmentalists, leaders of international agencies and environmental conventions along with representatives of youth groups, civil society, and Indigenous Peoples to discuss solutions to ensure a healthy planet with healthy people.

The NCCC is the “Nationally Designated Authority and official Focal Point working to address the impacts of climate change in Nigeria.” Established in 2022 by Section 3 of the Climate Change Act of 2021, the NCCC is the body charged with the power to make policies on all matters relating to climate change in Nigeria.

“We are tasked with providing a platform for collaboration and coordination among various government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in Nigeria to combat and mitigate the impact of climate change,” the council posted on its website.

Officials said the GEF Assembly will be a critical stocktaking for 2030 goals to end pollution and nature loss, combat climate change, and propel inclusive, locally-led conservation. This builds on recent diplomatic breakthroughs on biodiversity loss, toxic chemicals, and the high seas, they said.

It is set to include the launch of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, a new source of funding for protecting species and ecosystems globally. The GEF was selected to manage the new fund at the COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity summit in December 2022 and its governing Council approved plans for this in June 2023 in Brasilia.

The Assembly will feature high-level sessions, roundtables, side events, workshops, and networking opportunities for participants of all ages and backgrounds. Delegates will also have an opportunity to visit environmental projects in the Vancouver area. The meeting is supported by a wide range of Canadian partners.

Also at the assembly is a delegation from the African Development Bank, led by Joao Cunha, Manager for Renewable Energy Funds, and Audrey-Cynthia Yamadjako, Principal Climate and Environment Finance Officer, according to the Bank. 

The delegation, it said, will participate in several roundtables, including a side event jointly organised by multilateral development banks titled Blended finance, catalyzing investment in nature and climate. This side event will feature the unveiling of the Facility Energy Inclusion PPF (Project Preparation Facility) and other projects. The Bank delegation will also participate in a high level panel on climate change adaptation that will feature a presentation on the African Development Bank’s Africa Disaster Risks Financing (ADRiFi) initiative.

Representatives of the Bank Group will also attend a GEF Partnership Forum and. will join other multilateral development banks to host a booth on biodiversity.

The 7th GEF Assembly will also feature the launch of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, a new funding source for protecting endangered species and their ecosystems globally. The GEF was selected at the COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity summit in December 2022 to manage the new fund.

The African Development Bank joined the GEF in 2007 as an implementing agency, with direct access to Facility’s resources. Over the years, the Bank has increased its pipeline of projects related to climate change, biodiversity, land conservation and international waters whilst gradually enhancing its interventions on chemicals and waste-related issues in Africa.

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