Multi-million Naira ITF Complex for Completion Soon – Minister

The Honourable Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, Dr Doris Uzoka-Anite, has assured Nigerians that the country’s Industrial Training Fund Complex will soon be completed and commissioned for use.

The construction of Phase 2 of the Industrial Training Fund conference project was approved in the year 2018 and awarded to the Dantata and Sawoe construction company.

The project which was expected to have been delivered in June 2021, has however experienced considerable delay as a result of challenges not unconnected to its large scope.

In spite of these challenges, the Minister has announced that work on the project is to be expedited and result oriented.

She has assured Nigerians of her unwavering commitment to the country’s economic development driven by holistic investment plans and strategies that can compete globally.

This, she said, hinged on President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to foreign exchange growth derived from foreign direct investments and intentional local content creation and promotion.

 “ With unwavering determination, I am leaving no stone unturned to ensure the swift completion of the Industrial Training Fund Building.

 “ Soon, this iconic structure will stand as a beacon of innovation, fostering growth and prosperity for our nation.

 “ Nigeria’s Trade and Investment Policies will thrive better when well funded, hence the complex, where we expect that important decisions  be taken, visit from  local & International dignitaries and workable plans adopted for our economic growth and prosperity“, the Minister said.

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